Inspirational Chinese Proverbs - Search
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  1. 150 Best Chinese Quotes and Sayings about Love, Li…

    1. 治大国如烹小鲜 (zhì dà guó rú pēng xiǎo xiān) 1. Translation:Govern a country as you would cook a small fish. 2. Explanation:This saying is from "Tao Te Ching", a Chinese classic text written by Laozi. 2. 天有不测风云 (tiān yǒu bù cè fēng yún) 1. Translation:Anything unexpected may happen. 2. Explanation:Fortune is as unpredictable as the weather, every day ...

    China Travel

    1. 一见钟情 (yí jiàn zhōng qíng) 1. Translation: Love at first sight. 2. 爱屋及乌(ài wū jí wū) 1. Translation:Love me, love my dog. 2. Explanation:When you love someone, you care about the people or things related to him/her. 3. 但愿人长久,千里共婵娟 (dàn yuàn rén cháng jiǔ,qiān lǐ gòng chán juān) 1. Translation: Wishing us long life, though sharing moonlight from a...

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    1. 世上无难事,只怕有心人 (shì shàng wú nán shì, zhǐ pà yǒu xīn rén) 1. Translation:Where there is a will, there is a way. 2. Explanation:This saying emphasizes that nothing is difficult to a willing heart. 2. 吃得苦中苦,方为人上人 (chī dé kǔ zhōng kǔ, fāng wéi rén shàng rén) 1. Translation:No pain, no gain. 3. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧 (liú dé qīng shān zài, bù pà méi chái shāo) 1....

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    1. 授人以鱼不如授人以渔 (shòu rén yǐ yú, bú rú shòu rén yǐ yú) 1. Translation: Give a man a fish and you feed him for one day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. 2. Explanation:This is a famous quote from the Chinese philosopher Laozi. It is better to teach someone to do something than to do it for them. 2. 三人行,必有我师 (sān rén xíng, bì yǒu wǒ...

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    1. 大智若愚(dà zhì ruò yú) 1. Translation:A man of great wisdom appears slow-witted. 2. Explanation:This saying means still waters run deep. 2. 足智多谋(zú zhì duō móu) 1. Translation: Smart and resourceful. 2. Explanation:This idiom means a man of great resource and wisdom. 3. 人无远虑,必有近忧(rén wú yuǎn lǜ bì yǒu jìn yōu) 1. Translation:Man has no far-sighted ...

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