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Hubei - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hubei (Chinese: 湖北; pinyin: Húběi; Wade–Giles: Hu-pei; Postal map spelling: Hupeh) is a province of the People's Republic of China. The name of the province means "north of the …
Hubei | Geography, History, & Facts | Britannica
- Hubei, sheng (province) lying in the heart of China and forming a part of the middle basin of the …
In addition to Hunan, Hubei is bordered by Chongqing municipality to the west and by the provinces of Shaanxi to the northwest, Henan to the north and northeast, Anhui to the east, and Jiangxi to the southeast. Its capital is Wuhan, the composite name of the three former cities (an…
- Hubei, sheng (province) lying in the heart of China and forming a part of the middle basin of the …
湖北省 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
湖北省位于中国大陆的 华中 地区,地处“ 秦岭 — 淮河 ”分界线以南,因而是 南方 省份,气候为 副热带季风气候。 接邻省区 …
- Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins
Hubei University of Technology - Wikipedia
The Hubei University of Technology (HBUT; 湖北工业大学) is a provincial public university located in Wuhan, Hubei, China.The university is affiliated with and sponsored by the Hubei Provincial …
- Estimated Reading Time: 1 min
Wuhan - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wuhan (Chinese: 武汉) is the capital of Hubei province, People's Republic of China, and is the city with most people in Central China. [1] It is at the east of the Jianghan Plain, where the Yangtze and Han rivers meet.
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Hubei - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
22 rows · Hubei (en chino, 湖北; pinyin, Húběi ⓘ) es una provincia de la República Popular China. 1 2 Su capital y ciudad más poblada es Wuhan. Está ubicada en la región Sur-central …
Hubei – Travel guide at Wikivoyage
Hubei (湖北, Húběi) is a province in the southern central region of China. Its capital and largest city is Wuhan. Hubei is a Central China province. The name is derived from 'Hu' meaning lake …
湖北省 - Wikipedia
湖北省 (こほくしょう、 中国語: 湖北省 、 拼音: Húběi Shěng フーペイシァン 、 英語: Hubei Province)は、 中華人民共和国 中部地方 に位置する 省。 揚子江中流域に位置し、 洞庭湖 …
Hubei - Wikipedia
Lo Hubei (湖北 S, Húběi P, Hu-pei W, postale: Hupeh) è una provincia centrale della Repubblica Popolare Cinese. La sua abbreviazione è 鄂 (pinyin: È), un antico nome associato con la parte …
Hubei - Wikitravel
Dec 20, 2024 · Hubei is a Central Chinese province. The name is comprised of two characters: 'Hu' meaning lake, and 'Bei' meaning North. It is the home of many battles from the Three …
Хубэй — Википедия
Хубэ́й — провинция на востоке центральной части Китая. Органы власти провинции размещаются в Ухане. Согласно переписи 2020 года в Хубэе проживало 57,752 млн …
Hubei - Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas
Hubei (bantuan·maklumat) (Bahasa Cina: 湖北; pinyin: Húběi; Ejaan peta pos: Hupeh) ialah sebuah wilayah di kawasan pedalaman Republik Rakyat China. Singkatannya ialah 鄂 (pinyin: …
Hubei – Wikipedia
Hubei (chinesisch 湖北省, Pinyin Húběi Shěng „nördlich des Sees“; veraltete Schreibweise: Hupeh) ist eine Provinz der Volksrepublik China. Der größte Teil Hubeis besteht aus einer …
Hubei - Wikipedia
Hubei (uitspraak ⓘ) is een centrale provincie van China.De afkorting is 鄂 (pinyin: È), een oude naam die met het oostelijk deel van de provincie wordt geassocieerd sinds de Qin-dynastie.De …
Hubei - New World Encyclopedia
Hubei (Chinese: 湖北; pinyin: Húběi; Wade-Giles: Hu-pei; Postal map spelling: Hupeh) is a central province of the People's Republic of China. Its abbreviation is 鄂 ( pinyin : È), an ancient name …
Hubei summary | Britannica
Wuhan, capital and major industrial and commercial city of Hubei sheng (province), China. It is located at the confluence of the Han and Yangtze rivers and consists of a conurbation of three …
Hubei - Wikiwand
Hubei[a] is a province in Central China. It has the seventh-largest economy among Chinese provinces, the second-largest within Central China, and the third-largest among inland …
Hubei Travel Guide - How to Plan a Trip to Hubei - China Highlights
Hubei is in inland China in the middle stretch of the Yangtze River basin. It has one big city, Wuhan, that plays a big role in central China's educational system. For tourists, the main …
Hubei – Wikipedia
Hubei jakautuu 11 prefektuuritason kaupunkiin, yhteen autonomiseen prefektuuriin ja yhteen maakunnan hallinnon alaiseen kaupunkiin. Prefektuurijaon ulkopuolella on kolme …
Hubei - Wikipedia
Hubei (help·info) ( Cheenese: 湖北; pinyin: Húběi; Wade–Giles: Hu-pei; Postal map spelling: Hupeh) is a province o the Fowkrepublic o Cheenae, locatit in the central pairt o the kintra. …