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Hesychius - Wikipedia
Hesychius (Ancient Greek: Ἡσύχιος, romanized: Hēsúkhios, lit. 'the quiet one') may refer to: Hesychius of Cazorla (first century), Spanish Christian missionary, bishop, martyr and saint
Hesychius of Alexandria | Byzantine scholar, lexicographer
Hesychius of Alexandria was an author of the most important Greek lexicon known from antiquity, valued as a basic authority for the dialects and vocabularies of ancient inscriptions, poetic text, …
Hesychius of Alexandria | Catholic Answers Encyclopedia
Hesychius of Alexandria, grammarian and lexicographer; of uncertain date, but assigned by most authorities to the later fourth or earlier fifth century. We have no information whatever about …
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Hesychius - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Oct 5, 2024 · a male given name, Hesychius, from Ancient Greek, famously held by: Hesychius of Alexandria (fl. late AD 4th C.), Greek grammarian and lexicographer
Hesychius of Alexandria - Encyclopedia Volume - Catholic Online
Grammarian and lexicographer; of uncertain date, but assigned by most authorities to the later fourth or earlier fifth century. We have no information whatever about him, his parentage, or …
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Hesychius of Alexandria - The Catholic Encyclopedia
Grammarian and lexicographer; of uncertain date, but assigned by most authorities to the later fourth or earlier fifth century. We have no information whatever about him, his parentage, or …
Hesychius of Alexandria - Wikipedia
Hesychius of Alexandria grammarian of Alexandria, probably flourished in the 5th century AD. He was probably a pagan ; and the explanations of words from Gregory Nazianzus and other …
Hesychius (1), of Alexandria, author of a lexicon
Hesychius (1) of Alexandria, author of a lexicon of rare words found in poetry or in Greek dialects; probably to be dated to the 5th cent. ce, if the Eulogius whom he addresses in his introductory …
Hesychius of Alexandria - Wikiwand
Hesychius of Alexandria (Ancient Greek: Ἡσύχιος ὁ Ἀλεξανδρεύς, romanized: Hēsýchios ho Alexandreús, lit. 'Hesychios the Alexandrian') was a Greek grammarian who, probably in the …
Hesychius of Alexandria - AceArchive
Feb 24, 2023 · Hesychius of Alexandria, a Greek grammarian from the 5th or 6th century AD, compiled an exceptional lexicon of obscure and unusual Greek words, which has survived as …
Hesychius of Alexandria's Dictionary Survived in Only One Deeply ...
The "Alphabetical Collection of All Words" (Συναγωγὴ Πασῶν Λεξέων κατὰ Στοιχεῖον), written in the fifth century by the Greek grammarian Hesychius of Alexandria (Ἡσύχιος ὁ Ἀλεξανδρεύς), …
Hesychius of Alexandria - Ancient Greek (LSJ)
Hesychius of Alexandria (Ancient Greek: Ἡσύχιος ὁ Ἀλεξανδρεύς, romanized: Hēsýchios ho Alexandreús, lit. 'Hesychios the Alexandrian') was a Greek grammarian who, probably in the …
Hesychius of Alexandria - Encyclopedia.com
Hesychius of Alexandria (hēsĬk´ēəs), fl. 5th cent.?, Alexandrian grammarian. Hesychius is known as the compiler of an invaluable lexicon, a glossary of unusual words and expressions …
CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Hesychius of Alexandria - NEW …
We have no information whatever about him, his parentage, or his life; beyond what can be learned from the epistolary preface to his Lexicon. This purports to be written by "Hesychius of …
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology
(* (Hsu/xios), an Alexandrian grammarian, under whose name a large Greek dictionary has come down to us. Respecting his personal history absolutely nothing is known. The dictionary …
Hesychii Alexandrini Lexicon - De Gruyter
Hesychius’ 5th (?)-century Greek lexicon is a very important survivor of ancient learning, including fragments of Greek literature and offering material, not yet fully evaluated, on patristic writings.
About: Hesychius of Alexandria - DBpedia Association
Hesychius of Alexandria (Ancient Greek: Ἡσύχιος ὁ Ἀλεξανδρεύς, romanized: Hēsýchios ho Alexandreús, lit. 'Hesychios the Alexandrian') was a Greek grammarian who, probably in the …
Hesychius of Alexandria — Wikipedia Republished // WIKI 2
Hesychius of Alexandria (Ancient Greek: Ἡσύχιος ὁ Ἀλεξανδρεύς, romanized: Hēsýchios ho Alexandreús, lit. 'Hesychios the Alexandrian') was a Greek grammarian who, probably in the …
Hesychius of Alexandria - Detailed Pedia
'Hesychios the Alexandrian') was a Greek grammarian who, probably in the 5th or 6th century AD, compiled the richest lexicon of unusual and obscure Greek words that has survived, probably …
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