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  1. Elementary arithmetic - Wikipedia

    • Elementary arithmetic is a branch of mathematics involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Due to its low level of abstraction, broad range of application, and position as the foundation of all mathematics, elementary arithmetic is generally the first branch of mathematics taught in schools. … See more

    Numeral systems

    In numeral systems, digits are characters used to represent the value of numbers. An example of a numeral system is the … See more

    Successor function and ordering

    In elementary arithmetic, the successor of a natural number (including zero) is the next natural number and is the result of adding one to that number. The predecessor of a natural number (excluding zero) is the previous na… See more


    Counting assigns a natural number to each object in a set, starting with 1 for the first object and increasing by 1 for each subsequent object. The number of objects in the set is the count. This is also known as the … See more


    Addition is a mathematical operation that combines two or more numbers (called addends or summands) to produce a combined number (called the sum). The addition of two numbers is expressed with the plus sig… See more


    Subtraction evaluates the difference between two numbers, where the minuend is the number being subtracted from, and the subtrahend is the number being subtracted. It is represented using the minus sign (). … See more

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