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Joker at The Police Parade Scene | The Dark Knight (2008
The Dark Knight - Police Parade (Joker without make-up)
The Dark Knight - Police Parade Scene - YouTube
Why didn't the police wash Joker's face when he was …
In the Dark Knight (one with Joker and Batman), why didn't they wash off the makeup like the second he was put into jail? Sort of like "we're tired of your …
- Reviews: 57
plot explanation - Why does no one notice the Joker's …
Apr 25, 2013 · One of the reasons that no one notices The Joker dressed as a police officer is because there are hundreds of other police officers that are all …
- Reviews: 3
Joker (The Dark Knight) - Wikipedia
The Joker is a character portrayed by Heath Ledger and the main antagonist in Christopher Nolan's 2008 superhero film The Dark Knight. Based on the DC Comics supervillain of the same name, he is depicted as a psychopathic …
- People also ask
Joker Escaping in Police Car — The Dark Knight. : …
FYI the film is now available for streaming on US Netflix. The scene pictured in the OP is from 1:36:44. Most everyone thinks Ledger was amazing and I agree but I don't think he gets enough credit for the voice he used throughout the film.
The dark knight rises police parade scene : r/plotholes - Reddit
In one of the most famous scenes from the dark knight, where the joker and some of his men steal police uniforms and guns during the gun salute. How was the joker not recognised at all by …
Christopher Nolan – The Dark Knight: Interrogation …
Jul 18, 2008 · One of the more intense scenes of Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight. Batman approaches Joker face to face in the GCPD interrogation room in an attempt to find where he’s keeping Harvey Dent...
The "Joker" Hanging out of the Cop Car
Jan 22, 2009 · To me this has always been one of the most striking shots in the movie, and flipping through the channels today, many shows have played this shot. I have seen the "Dark Knight" three times now, and I still do not know …
Dark Knight Joker Driving Police Car Scene | HD - YouTube
Apr 11, 2015 · Like a dog chasing cars. The Dark Knight.
The Dark Knight - Wikipedia
At the police station, Batman interrogates the Joker, who says he finds Batman entertaining and has no intention of killing him. Having deduced Batman's feelings for Rachel, the Joker reveals …
The Joker (The Dark Knight) | Batman Wiki | Fandom
Despite being captured twice, no traces of the Joker's true identity could be found - no matches on fingerprints, dental records, or DNA within the GCPD 's Databases. As police commissioner …
Joker - Dark Knight Trilogy Wiki
Despite being captured twice, no traces of the Joker's true identity could be found - no matches on fingerprints, dental records, or DNA within the GCPD's Databases. As police commissioner …
Joker | Dark Knight Wiki | Fandom
The Joker is a psychopathic illegalist criminal mastermind, mass murderer and agent of chaos with a warped, sadistic sense of humor. He expressed desire to upset social order through …
Joker Escapes - Police Car Scene - The Dark Knight (2008
Oct 4, 2019 · Joker (Heath Ledger) Driving Police Car - Escape Scene - The Dark Knight (2008) Movie Clip HD [1080p]TM & © Warner Bros. (2008)Fair use.Copyright Disclaimer ...
dc nolan-batman-trilogy the-dark-knight the-joker
Oct 14, 2017 · Joker was just a crazy killer at that point, at least to a cop. The most Joker has done at this point in the movie is arrange some high profile assassinations and crash a party. …
Dark Knight Theory Argues Joker Was Secretly a Cop - CBR
Mar 30, 2022 · A theory given on a Reddit thread suggests that The Joker in The Dark Knight was once a Gotham City cop with a bevy of experience.
The Dark Knight - Joker Hanging Out of Police Car HQ - YouTube
A very short but powerful Joker scene.Copyright: Warner Bros. 2008R.I.P. Heath Ledger
Joker Features Major Reference to Heath Ledger's Dark Knight ...
Oct 4, 2019 · Arthur is promptly arrested and taken into police custody, and this is where we get a nice little ode to Heath Ledger’s Joker from The Dark Knight.
Batman May Be DC Royalty, But the Dark Knight's Dirtiest …
22 hours ago · Batman has one of the most iconic backstories ever created for a superhero due to how simple it is. Bruce Wayne was the Prince of Gotham. He had everything a young boy …
The Joker's Bank Robbery | The Dark Knight 2008 Movie Clip 4K …
Watch the iconic Joker bank heist scene from The Dark Knight in stunning 4K HDR! Witness Heath Ledger’s legendary performance as the Clown Prince of Crime ex...