Ancient Greek Colonies Map - Search
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  1. Motives

    The reasons for the Greeks to establish colonies were strong economic growth with the consequent overpopulation of the motherland, and that the land of these Greek city states could not support a large city. The ar… See more


    The founding of the colonies was consistently an organised enterprise by the metropolis (mother city), although in many cases it collaborated with other cities. The place to be colonised was selected in advance wi… See more


    The Greeks started colonising around the beginning of the 8th century BC when the Euboeans founded Pithecusae in Southern Italy and Olynthus in Chalcidice, Greece. Subsequently, they founded the colonies of CumaeSee more


    Numerous colonies were founded in Northern Greece, chiefly in the region of Chalcidice but also in the region of Thrace.
    Chalcidice was settled by Euboeans, chiefly from Chalcis, who lent their name to these colonies. T… See more

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