Acrylic Painting of Palm Trees - Search
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  1. How To Paint Palm Trees - Acrylic Painting Tutorial F…

    I used Liquitex BASICS acrylic paintsfor this tutorial! You can use any paints that you may have. If you are using a different brand, use the color swatch below to try to match!

    Step By Step Painting

    If you are using craft paints such as these Apple Barrel Craft Paints, I would suggest subbing to these colors: 1. White 2. Brown Oxide 3. Key West 4. Regency Blue 5. Laguna 6. Parakeet 7. Pale Daffodil 8. Jet Black

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    Use a clean wet paint brush or a fine mist sprayer to apply a very thin layer of water to the canvas. This will help with the blending of the background and water first layer of this painting. Load your palette with the colors: light blue permanent, titanium white and bright aqua green. Use your 3/4″ flat wash brush and triple load it into the aqua...

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    Load your palette with the colors: hooker’s green hue permanent and unbleached titanium. Mix about 3 parts green and 1 part unbleached titanium. Then use your #8 round brush to paint a bottom land area. This is about 1/4″ high and the top is wavy/ uneven. Then use a t-square ruler or straight edge. Locate the middle of the canvas and then bring the...

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    Load your palette with turquoise blue. Mix about 1 part turquoise blue and 1 part titanium white to make the color lighter. Use a #8 round brush to paint “water lines”. Start on the bottom of the water area and paint loose, thick left and right strokes. Then paint thinner and more denser horizontal water lines in the distance. This will create dept...

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