traditional japanese tea house interior - Search
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  1. Japanese Tea House: Architecture of Ultimate Spiritu…

    Tea was once consumed as a medicine due to the stimulating effects of caffeine in Japan. After Zen monks brought tea cultivation from China to Japan during the Kamakura period (1185-1333), the tradition of tea drinking spread to the samurai as well. The design of free-standing tea houses is heavily influenced by Zen philosophy. They were built main...

    Japanese tea house, Chashitsu in Japanese, is truly the product of all the traditional Japanese crafts combined and sophisticated. Usually, the tea house architecture is referred to as the Sukiya-zukuri, which was developed for tea gatherings. While the style is traditionally simple and uses subdued colors, to build a tea house or tea room, one mus...

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    The ultimate architecture which expresses the spiritual world is the Japanese tea houses. In Japan, building architecture always has taken consideration of human behavior, buildings are containers while Module, the human measure was adopted in the western world only in the modern times.

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    In 1187, Myoan Eisai, a Japanese priest, traveled to China to study philosophy and religion. When he returned to Japan, he founded Zen Buddhism and built the first temple of the Rinzai sect. Japanese Buddhism #2: End of the World Belief, Pure Land, and Zen During the Muromachi period (1336-1573), Japanese architecture went through a transformation ...

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    Modern architects strive to maintain traditional tea houses’ simplistic beauty while pushing modern interpretations of what a tea house can be.

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