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Tori Amos discography - Wikipedia
A comprehensive list of albums, singles, and other releases by American pianist and singer-songwriter Tori Amos. Learn about her musical career, genres, collaborations, and chart performance.
Tori Amos - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Myra Ellen "Tori" Amos (born August 22, 1963) is an American singer and songwriter. She has won many awards for her music . Tori Amos sings in the mezzo-soprano range.
- Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins
List of songs recorded by Tori Amos - Wikipedia
A comprehensive list of covers, originals, and instrumental songs by American singer-songwriter Tori Amos. The list includes the year, album, and notes of each song, as well as references to …
Ocean to Ocean - Wikipedia
Ocean to Ocean is the sixteenth studio album by American musician Tori Amos. It was released on October 29, 2021 through Decca Records. The album was written during lockdown from the COVID-19 pandemic in Cornwall, England …
Little Earthquakes - Wikipedia
Little Earthquakes is the debut solo album by the American singer-songwriter Tori Amos, featuring the singles "Silent All These Years", "China", "Winter" and "Crucify".After Atlantic Records rejected the first version of the album, Amos …
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Nine Inch Nails - Tori Amos | nin.wiki
Jan 14, 2025 · Tori Amos (born Myra Ellen Amos on August 22, 1963) is an American singer/songwriter and vocalist known for her unique and proficient style of piano playing, as well as for her intimate brand of songwriting. Amos has …
Tori Amos - Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi
Tori Amos begyndte allerede som 2-årig at spille klaver og som 5-årig at komponere sin egen musik. Det førte til at hun allerede som 5-årig fik et stipendium til at komme på Peabody …
The Beekeeper (album) - Wikipedia
The Beekeeper is the eighth studio album by American musician Tori Amos. It was released on February 20, 2005, through Epic Records and is her second release for the label.
Tori Amos – Wikipedia
Tori Amos, född Myra Ellen Amos [1] den 22 augusti 1963 [2] i Newton, North Carolina, är en amerikansk sångerska, pianist och kompositör. Amos debuterade som soloartist 1992 med …
Tori Amos - Wikiwand
Tori Amos [7] (born Myra Ellen Amos; August 22, 1963) is an American singer-songwriter and pianist. She is a classically trained musician with a mezzo-soprano vocal range. [8]
Tori Amos — Wikipédia
Myra Ellen Amos, dite Tori Amos [ˈ t ɔ ː ɹ i ˈ e ɪ m ə s] [4], est une auteure-compositrice-interprète, chanteuse, pianiste, arrangeuse et productrice américaine, née le 22 août 1963 à Newton en …
Tori Amos - Wikipedia, kamusi elezo huru
Je, unajua kitu kuhusu Tori Amos kama wasifu wake, habari za maisha au kazi yake? Labda unaona habari katika Wikipedia ya Kiingereza au lugha nyingine zinazofaa kutafsiriwa? Basi …
トーリ・エイモス - Wikipedia
1987年にアトランティック・レコードと契約し [6] 、1988年にY Kant Tori Readというバンドのメンバーとして同名のアルバムを発表 [7] 。 このアルバムは商業的に失敗だったが、アトラ …
Tori Amos - Wikipedia
Myra Ellen Amos, detta Tori (Newton, 22 agosto 1963), è una compositrice, polistrumentista, cantautrice, interprete, arrangiatrice e produttrice discografica statunitense, tra le più …
Tori Amos - Wikipedia
Tori Amos is 'n pianis en sangeres-liedjieskryfster. Sy was een van die eerste van 'n aantal sangeres-liedjieskryfsters wat in die 1990's bekendheid verwerf het en was toe een van 'n …
Story – Tori Amos
Tori Amos was never going to enjoy a lockdown. She’s been playing live since she was thirteen years old. She splits her life between Cornwall, Florida and the road – and her songs are …
Interview: Tori Amos on Her Children’s Book and Her Reading Life
13 hours ago · Tori Amos Saw a New Side to Baltimore Thanks to Russell Baker. His memoir “Growing Up” depicted her hometown “like a shining city on a hill.” Other authors who mean a …
Tori Amos – Wikipédia
Myra Ellen Amos, pod umeleckým menom známa ako Tori Amos (* 22. august 1963, Newton, Severná Karolína, USA) je americká speváčka, klaviristka a skladateľka. Má klasické hudobné …
Tori Amos – Wikipedia
Tori Amos ist eine US-amerikanische Musikerin. Als Singer-Songwriterin wurde sie in den frühen 1990er-Jahren vor allem durch ihre lyrischen und gefühlsbetonten, oft auch kritischen und …
Tori Amos – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Tori Amos, właśc. Myra Ellen Amos (ur. 22 sierpnia 1963 w Newton) – amerykańska piosenkarka, autorka tekstów i piosenek, pianistka. Śpiewa, grając na fortepianie, przy akompaniamencie …
Tori Amos - Wikipedia
Myra Ellen Amos (22 d'agostu de 1963, Newton (es)), más conocida pol so nome artísticu Tori Amos, ye una pianista y cantautora d'Estaos Xuníos [5]. Orixinalmente Amos exerció como la …
Tori Amos - Wikipedia
Tori Amos (născută Myra Ellen Amos la 22 august 1963) este o cântăreață, pianistă și compozitoare americană.