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Thomas Wolsey - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thomas Wolsey was an English statesman and archbishop who served King Henry VIII. He became a cardinal in 1515 and managed the foreign policy of the kingdom, but fell into …
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Thomas, Cardinal Wolsey | English Cardinal
Thomas, Cardinal Wolsey (born c. 1475, Ipswich, Suffolk, Eng.—died Nov. 29, 1530, Leicester, Leicestershire) was a cardinal and statesman who dominated …
Cardinal Thomas Wolsey Death & Fall From Grace 1530
Feb 4, 2015 · Learn about the life and downfall of Thomas Wolsey, Henry VIII's chief minister and cardinal-archbishop of York. Find out how he failed to secure an annulment, was indicted for …
Thomas Wolsey – Wikipedia
Thomas Wolsey (n. 1475 – 29. marraskuuta 1530) oli englantilainen kardinaali ja valtiomies. Kardinaali Wolsey oli lordikanslerina vuosina 1515–1529 ollen näiden vuosien ajan Englannin vaikutusvaltaisin mies kuninkaan ohella.
10 Facts About Cardinal Thomas Wolsey - History Hit
See more on historyhit.comWolsey, who first became King Henry VIII’s chaplain, quickly rose up the ranks to become a cardinal in 1515 by appointment of Pope Leo X. But his highest position was as Lord Chancellor and the king’s chief advisor which enriched his status and wealth. Physically he was a short, corpulent man of earthy humour, known for hi…Thomas Wolsey – Wikipedija
Thomas Wolsey (1473. – 1530.) bio je engleski nadbiskup, državnik i kardinal Katoličke Crkve. Život pod Henrikom VII. Rođen kao sin mesara iz Ipswicha, Wolsey je imao sreće da se obrazuje na Oxfordu pa je, pošto se zaredio, 1507. godine postao kapelan Henrika VII. Dvije godine kasnije, obnašao je funkciju dekana sveučilišta Lincoln.
Thomas Wolsey: 'The Other King' - Historic Royal Palaces
Learn about the life and career of Thomas Wolsey, Henry VIII's chief minister and cardinal, who transformed Hampton Court Palace and rose to power in the Tudor age. Discover his origins, …
BBC - History - Thomas Wolsey
A biography about Thomas Wolsey, cardinal, statesman and Henry VIII's lord chancellor. Discover why Henry eventually turned against Wolsey in 1530.
Cardinal Wolsey | The Tudors Wiki | Fandom
Cardinal Thomas Wolsey was the archbishop of York and the bishop of Winchester; who was king Henry Tudor VIII 's most trusted and powerful advisor, holding the title of Lord Chancellor.
Thomas Wolsey - World History Encyclopedia
May 19, 2020 · Thomas Wolsey, Cardinal Archbishop of York (l. c. 1473-1530 CE) served as Lord Chancellor to Henry VIII of England (r. 1509-1547 CE) from around 1513 CE to 1529 CE.
Thomas Wolsey: Biography, Portrait, Facts & Information
Mar 2, 2015 · Learn about the life and achievements of Thomas Wolsey, the powerful cardinal and statesman who ruled England in all but title under Henry VIII. Explore his rise from humble origins, his diplomatic triumphs, his fall from …
Thomas Wolsey – Wikipedia tiếng Việt
Thomas Wolsey (khoảng tháng 3 năm 1473 [1] - 29 tháng 11 năm 1530, đôi khi được đánh vần là Woolsey hoặc Wulcy) là một giáo sĩ, chính khách và là hồng y người Anh của Giáo hội Công …
He was Henry VIII 's Lord Chancellor from 1515-1529. Lost favor with Henry when he failed to get the annulment of the King's marriage to Catherine of Aragon. Died on his way to imprisonment …
Thomas Wolsey - Wikipedia
Thomas Wolsey (c. Mairch 1473 [1] – 29 November 1530; whiles spelt Woolsey) wis an Inglis poleetical figur an a cardinal o the Roman Catholic Kirk. Whan Henry VIII became King o Ingland in 1509, Wolsey became the King's almoner. [2]
Thomas Wolsey 1473 - 1530 A Biography - Tudor Nation
Nov 5, 2022 · Thomas Wolsey was chief negotiator for the peace treaty which was to be sealed with the marriage of Henry’s sister, Mary to King Louis XII. The successful negotiation of the …
Cardinal Thomas Wolsey | Henry VIII's most able and devoted …
Thomas Wolsey or Woolsey (1473-1530), born a butcher’s son, rose in Tudor times to Archbishop of York while serving both Henry VII and Henry VIII. As Cardinal Wolsey, he applied his great …
Thomas Cardinal Wolsey - New World Encyclopedia
Thomas Cardinal Wolsey, (c. March 1471-1475 – November 28 or November 29, 1530), born in Ipswich, Suffolk, England, was a powerful English statesman and a Cardinal of the Roman …
Thomas Wolsey – Wikipedia
Thomas Wolsey var son till Robert Wulcy (1438–1496) och Joan Daundy Wulcy. Hans far beskrivs i flera senare källor som slaktare, men detta är inte säkerställt.Wolsey studerade vid Magdalen …
Who was Thomas Wolsey? Facts and Information
Jul 12, 2013 · Thomas Wolsey was succeeded as Lord Chancellor by Thomas More. Today, Thomas Wolsey is remembered for his great political and religious influence and power, and …
Cardinal Thomas Wolsey: Life Story - Archbishop and Cardinal
Tomb of Cardinal Christopher Bainbridge (c. 1464 - 1514), Wolsey’s predecessor as Archbishop of York. There were dark rumours that Wolsey had been concerned, although there was never …