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- Including results for the discobolus of myron.Do you want results only for the discobolos of myron?
Discobolus Statue – A Look at the Disc Thrower Statue From …
Apr 28, 2022 · Myron’s Discobolus (460–450 BC) was a bronze sculpture of the Classical period in Greek art that portrayed a discus thrower.
- Reviews: 1
- Date of Birth: c. 500-490 BC
- Occupation: ( Head of Content, Editor, Art Writer )
- Date of Death: c. 440 BC
Discobolus of Myron - On Art and Aesthetics
Apr 12, 2016 · The Discobolus or "discus thrower" is one of the most iconic artworks of classical antiquity. Originally sculpted in bronze by an Athenian man called Myron (born in the fortress-city of Eleutherae in the 5th century BC), the …
Myron | Attic Greek Sculptor, Discobolus, Athena and …
May 27, 1999 · Myron (flourished c. 480–440 bce) was a Greek sculptor, an older contemporary of the sculptors Phidias and Polyclitus, considered by the …
The Discobolus of Myron - Claremont Colleges
The Discobolus was first sculpted in Greece around 460-450 BCE by Myron of Eleutherae. Myron was redeemed as a renowned sculptor, known for his depictions of animals. The Discobolus …
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Myron’s Discobolus, a Peerless Olympic Symbol - Le …
Sep 16, 2024 · We know the Discobolus of the Greek sculptor Myron only by its copies, principally in marble. This famous statue, originally in bronze, depicts a discus thrower in action.
Myron, Discobolus (Discus Thrower) - Smarthistory
Myron, Discobolus (Discus Thrower), Roman copy of an ancient Greek bronze from c. 450 B.C.E., Classical Period (Palazzo Massimo alle Terme)
Discobolos (Discus thrower) - Brown University
Discobolos, Myron. The Discobolos was originally sculpted in bronze in about 450 BCE by Myron, but is known today only through marble Roman copies. The copies may or may not have been …
statue - British Museum
The Diskobolos of Myron is a Greek sculpture that represents a youthful ancient Greek athlete, poised as if ready to spin around and release the discus. The original Greek bronze dates from …
Discobolus | statue by Myron | Britannica
…most famous work is the Discobolos (“Discus Thrower”), of which a Roman copy survives. Another of Myron’s works surviving in copy is a sculpture of Athena with the satyr Marsyas. …
Discobolus (after Myron), c.460 - c.450 BC - WikiArt.org
The Discobolus of Myron ("discus thrower", Greek: Δισκοβόλος, Diskobólos) is a Greek sculpture completed at the start of the Classical Period, figuring a youthful ancient Greek athlete throwing discus, about 460–450 BC.
The Discobolus - Museo Omero
The “Discobolo” (Discobolus) is a bronze sculpture made by Myron in 455 BCE. The Museo Omero has a copy from true cast of a Roman marble copy found at Hadrian’s Villa in Tivoli. …
The Discobolus - Hidden History
Mar 28, 2017 · The original Discobolus is attributed to the Greek sculptor Myron, a contemporary of Pheidias and Polykleitos and famous in antiquity for his representations of athletes. His …
What to Know About the Greek Discobolus, a Hallmark of the …
Jul 25, 2024 · Within the lexicon of Classical Greek art, the Discobolus, commonly referred to as the “Discus Thrower,” stands as one of the most internationally recognizable visual …
14 Astonishing Facts About Discobolus Of Myron
Sep 12, 2023 · From its discovery to its influence on art, sports, and culture, the Discobolus has left an indelible mark throughout history. In this article, we will uncover 14 astonishing facts …
The Discus Thrower - Students | Britannica Kids | Homework Help
One of the first lifelike sculptures is The Discus Thrower (Discobolos) by the ancient Greek sculptor Myron. He created it in bronze about 450 bc. The athlete in the sculpture is at the …
Diskobolos · Wilcox Classical Museum
Myron had a reputation for sculpting figures caught in the instant of action, such as a runner on tiptoes or the Diskobolos (Boardman 1993: 95). The Diskobolos was created about 450-440 …
5.12: Myron, Discus Thrower - Humanities LibreTexts
Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker provide a description, historical perspective, and analysis of Myron’s Discobolus (Discus Thrower).
Myron's Discobolus - (Intro to Humanities) - Fiveable
Myron's Discobolus, or 'The Discus Thrower,' is a famous ancient Greek sculpture that represents an athlete in the act of throwing a discus. Created around 450 BC, this work exemplifies the …
Myron's discóbolo: characteristics, analysis and meaning
The sculpture known as the Myron's discobolus It is part of the great treasures of the art of Classical Antiquity, along with pieces such as the Victory of Samothrace, Laocoon and their …
- Including results for the discobolus of myron.Do you want results only for the discobolos of myron?