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Covert feather - Wikipedia
A covert feather or tectrix on a bird is one of a set of feathers, called coverts (or tectrices), which cover other feathers. The coverts help to smooth airflow over the wings and tail. See more
The ear coverts are small feathers behind the bird's eye which cover the ear opening (the ear of a bird has no external features). See more
The upperwing coverts fall into two groups: those on the inner wing, which overlay the secondary flight feathers, known as the secondary coverts, and those on the outer wing, which overlay the primary flight feathers, the primary coverts. Within each group, the feathers … See more
Wikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license Parts of a Bird: Flight Feathers - Avian Report
See more on avianreport.comRefers to the wing feathers (Primaries, Secondaries, and tertials). Primaries:Long flight feathers growing from the hand of a wing. Primaries form the bottom of a folded wing. Most birds have ten primaries, but some sub-oscine passerines have nine. Secondaries:Long flight feathers growing from the forearm of a wing. The o…- Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
Anatomy: Rump and Upper Tail Coverts | Outside My …
Jan 29, 2010 · Not only is this bird showing off his namesake but you can see a V of gray-edged dark feathers below his rump that overlap like shingles on a roof. These are his upper tail coverts, the feathers on the top side of his body that …
Oct 30, 2024 · Those on the upper (dorsal) surface of the body are called upper wing and upper tail coverts; those on the under (ventral) surface are called under wing and under tail coverts. In some birds, such as eagles, these are large …
Everything You Need To Know About Feathers
Arranged in a fan shape, these feathers support precision steering in flight. Typically, birds have six pairs of feathers on the tail, which display increasing …
- Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins
Parts of a Bird: Feather Areas - Avian Report
Uppertail Coverts: Feathers that cover the upper base of the tail. Lesser Coverts: Feathers near the leading edge of the wing that overlap the Median Coverts’ bases. These feathers are rarely visible in passerines and are usually …
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Anatomy: Undertail Coverts | Outside My Window
Apr 30, 2010 · Undertail coverts are the feathers that smooth the transition between belly and tail. On most birds they’re the same color as the tail (see magpies ) or the belly (as in most birds). Gray catbirds are an exception that …
A Comprehensive Look at the Bird Tail - Learn Bird …
Apr 18, 2023 · The two main types of feathers found on a bird’s tail are rectrices and coverts. Rectrices are the large, stiff feathers that make up the bulk of the tail and provide lift and stability while in flight.
The Anatomy, Functions, And Adaptations Of A Bird’s …
Coverts are the smaller feathers that cover the base of the tail and help to streamline and protect the rectrices. They play a vital role in reducing air resistance and ensuring smooth airflow over the tail feathers during flight.
pair of elongated rectrices that form a “racket-tipped” tail, and woodpeckers (family Picidae) have inner rectrices modified for support while perching. Tail Coverts. Like the remiges, the bases of …
Tail coverts Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
Dec 12, 2016 · The meaning of TAIL COVERTS is the feathers that cover the bases of the tail quills.
Flight Feathers - The Flight Feathers of Birds - ThoughtCo
Aug 13, 2019 · Primary projection: The section of the primaries that, when the wing is folded, project beyond the tips of the tertials and sit at an angle towards the tail. Underwing coverts: …
Covert Feather - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
These are the largest feathers and form the external appearance of adult birds. They are found on wings, tail, and body surface and are the feathers of flight. The wing feathers are called …
Bird External Anatomy - Ornithology
Undertail Coverts: The short feathers beneath the tail are the undertail coverts, and these feathers often show unique colors or markings that can distinguish bird species. Legs: Birds’ legs vary …
Covering Your Tail - Wild Turkey Lab
This Turkey Tuesday is about covering your tail, or in popular slang, the ole CYA! Like other birds, wild turkeys have feathers called coverts that cover the bases of the flight feathers. The …
Contour Feathers / Feathers / Avian Anatomy - Ornithology
The tail feathers or retrices of the Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis) (left) provide lift and steering, the base of the remiges is covered by upper tail coverts. The white outer tail feathers, …
Did you know: Covert Feathers – SIB
Dec 1, 2024 · A covert feather is one of a set of feathers which cover other feathers. The coverts help to smooth airflow over the wings and tail and protect important flight feathers. You can …
Chicken Feathers Guide | Chicken Fans
Sep 8, 2022 · A chicken’s tail consists of central main flight feathers, covered by tail coverts. Roosters also carry sickle feathers on their tails. Sickle feathers are the long, shiny, curved …
TAIL-FEATHERS AND THEIR MAJOR UPPER COVERTS. BY HUBERT LYMAN CLARK. RECENTLY when examining the pterylosis of a trogon, I noticed that the middle pair of tail …
List of poultry feathers - Wikipedia
Tail coverts. Some terms used for the feathers of poultry are identical to those used for feathers of other birds, while others are specific to poultry. They include: [1][2][3] ^ Victoria Roberts …