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  1. Dictionary
    partial (adjective)
    1. existing only in part; incomplete:
      "a question to which we have only partial answers"
    2. (partial to)
      having a liking for:
      "you know I'm partial to bacon and eggs"
      have a liking for
      be fond of
      be keen on
      have a fondness for
      have a weakness for
      have a taste for
      be taken with
      care for
      have a predilection/proclivity/penchant for
      be enamored of
      be mad about/on
      be crazy about
      be potty about
      be nutso over/about
      be shook on
    partial (noun) · partials (plural noun)
    1. a component of a musical sound; an overtone or harmonic:
      "the upper partials of the string"
    late Middle English (in partial): from Old French parcial (partial), French partiel (partial), from late Latin partialis, from pars, part- ‘part’.
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  2. Synonyms of partial include12345:
    • Incomplete, imperfect, limited, fragmentary, unfinished, deficient, half, halfway, not entire, not total, not general, not universal, unperformed, half done
    • Biased, prejudiced, partisan, one-sided, slanted, skewed, coloured, interested, discriminatory, preferential, jaundiced, unfair, influenced, prepossessed, warped, not indifferent
    • Fond, like, overtone, partial tone, partial derivative
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    Synonyms for partial include incomplete, fragmentary, limited, imperfect, restricted, unfinished, deficient, fragmental, half and halfway. Find more similar words at ...…

    Synonyms for partial. deficient, fragmental, fragmentary, half, halfway, incomplete.
    The synonyms of “Partial” are: fond, incomplete, limited, qualified, restricted, imperfect, fragmentary, unfinished, biased, prejudiced, partisan, one-sided, slanted, skewed, coloured, interested, discriminatory, preferential, jaundiced, like, overtone, partial tone, partial derivative

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    • partial adjective Synonyms: incomplete, imperfect, limited, not entire, not total, not general, not universal
    Synonyms: unperformed, incomplete, half done, unfinished, imperfect, deficient Sense: Showing favoritism Synonyms: unfair, influenced, biased, prejudiced, partisan, interested
  3. PARTIAL Synonyms: 124 Similar and Opposite Words - Merriam …

  4. 44 Synonyms & Antonyms for PARTIAL -

  5. What is another word for partial - WordHippo

  6. Synonyms of PARTIAL | Collins American English Thesaurus

  7. PARTIAL Synonyms | Collins English Thesaurus

  8. Partial synonyms - 1 582 Words and Phrases for …

    Find synonyms for partial, such as biased, incomplete, part, and partial, in this comprehensive list of 1 582 words and phrases. Learn the meanings and usage of each synonym and how to avoid repetition.

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  13. Partial Synonyms & Antonyms |

  14. PARTIAL - Synonyms and antonyms -

  15. Synonyms for Partial - Classic Thesaurus

  16. Partial Synonyms and Antonyms - YourDictionary

  17. Another word for PARTIAL > Synonyms & Antonyms

  18. PARTIALLY Synonyms: 45 Similar and Opposite Words

  19. More 1110 Partial Synonyms. Similar words for Partial.

  20. What is another word for partially - WordHippo

  21. Synonyms and antonyms for Partial - Classic Thesaurus

  22. What is another word for partial to - WordHippo

  23. partial - Wiktionary, the free dictionary