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List of Swedish regiments - Wikipedia
This is a list of Swedish regiments. Most formations have changed names several times during their existence. Listed here are commonly used names. Regiments were the highest organized organic units in the Swedish Army from the time of Gustavus Adolphus on to the Second World War. In 1949, the Swedish … See more
Storregementen or landsregementen (regiments of the land), these regiments were organized by Gustavus Adolphus in the end of the 1610s … See more
The original provincial regiments (landskapsregementen) were raised by splitting the old grand regiments, forming 20 infantry (actually 21 as Smålands regemente was split into Kronobergs and Jönköpings regemente) and eight cavalry regiments as … See more
• Braunstein, Christian (2003). Sveriges arméförband under 1900-talet. Stockholm: Statens Försvarshistoriska Museer. ISBN 91-971584-4-5 See moreWikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license The Swedish Army in the Napoleonic Wars
The first two wars, the farcical war against France in Swedish Pomeranian in 1805 - 1807 and the epic struggle against Russia and Denmark-Norway in 1808 - 1809, were fought solely due to the incompetence and pig-headed stupidity of King …
The Swedish Cavalry during the Napoleonic Wars - HaT
The Swedish Cavalry Regiments of the Napoleonic Wars The regiments are noted in alphabetical order according to their names in 1813 - or the name before being disbanded or converted into …
Swedish Army Organization for CLS 1808-1814
Organization There are two battalions in a Regiment (some regiments had 3 battalions in the 1814 invasion of Norway). Two or three regiments were often brigaded together. Two or more …
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List of Swedish infantry regiments - Wikipedia
Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA licenseSwedish Soldiers of the Napoleonic Wars (Part V)
Mar 29, 2019 · The introduction of regimental jaegers followed Sweden’s war against Russia 1788-1790. The efficiency of light troops in broken terrain resulted in an increased Swedish focus on light infantry action.
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Swedish Military - Hans Högman
Jan 11, 2021 · This page contains information about Swedish military history, especially information about the military Allotment System (Indelningsverket) and the allotted soldiers. It also …
The Swedish Army in the Napoleonic Wars
The regular units of the Swedish army and their strength and company (or squadron) establishment during the Napoleonic Wars are shown in the tables below, starting with the …
The Napoleonic Swedish Army - General de Brigade - Tapatalk
Oct 19, 2018 · The Swedish Army of the Napoleonic Wars I. Quality. The Swedish army included reservist units and standing army units; units made up of Swedes and units made up of Finns. …
The Organization of the Swedish Cavalry: 1773 - 1814 - Napoleon …
In 1792, the regiment was reorganized by dividing it into three corps, each consisting of a battalion of 500 men. They were called the Lifregements-Brigaden. Their Commander was Duke Carl, …
Swedish Jagare and the Storming of Leipzig
Before the Poles were aware of their adversaries, the Swedish commander ordered a charge, and the jagare from Kalmar Regiment fell on the Poles with their bayonets, scattering the patrol, …
[TMP] "Swedish Light Infantry and Jager Battalions" Topic
Jul 29, 2022 · Ray Johnson, in his book "Napoleonic Armies" states that Sweden has two regiments of Light Infantry and four regiments of Jagers. I'm wondering what the difference …
Björneborgs County Infantry Regiment | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Björneborg County Infantry Regiment (Björnborgsläns Infanteriregimente) Finnish provincial infantry regiment of the Royal Swedish Army. The regiment was around from the Thirty Years …
The Swedish Army in the Napoleonic Wars
These changes are enumerated below and are included in the two tables which show the Swedish and Finnish armies in the spring of 1808, shortly after the outbreak of the war against Russia …
Napoleonic Reinforcements: Swedish Corps Commander & Artillery
Mar 10, 2023 · As briefly mentioned during my discussion of my Swedish army for the Seven Years War, I do actually own the complete Swedish Corps for 1813, organised for Napoleon’s …
Swedish Soldiers of the Napoleonic Wars in 1813 - Blogger
Jan 25, 2013 · In our last post we showed you some WIP of swedish cavalry for the War of the Sixth Coalition against Napoleon. All intended for Napoleonic skirmish gaming. Swedish forces …
18th C. Swedish Military Flags: Regiments
1. Svea Livgarde. Known as Livgardet during most of the period. It claims traditions from a drabant-corps raised in 1527. The regiment has always been the foremost in the Swedish …
Uniforms of the Swedish Guard Infantry 1813-1814 - Napoleon …
General: In 1813, Swedish Guard Infantry consisted of two regiments, each with two battalions of six companies each of 100 men, and one attached jager company. The two regiments were …
The Swedish Army in the Napoleonic Wars
The indelningsverk had been the cornerstone of the Swedish army and navy since the reign of Charles XI (1672 - 1697). By the 1670s, Sweden’s days of conquest were definitely over and …
The Swedish Army in the Napoleonic Wars
The peasantry of Sweden flatly refused to pay for the vargering, and it was only the peasants of Skåne that could be convinced to change their mind. Thus out of a paper strength of 13,182, …