st lawrence's church Wikipedia - Search
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  1. History

    The original medieval church was reconstructed by the architect John James, working for a wealthy client James Brydges. Brydges, who was later 1st Duke of Chandos, started rebuilding the church and Cannons, … See more


    The highly decorated interior of the church is unusual in England, Continental Baroque rather than English Baroque in style.
    The decorative painter Louis Laguerre and other painters worked on both the church and the ho… See more

    The Chandos Mausoleum

    Towards the end of his life Brydges had lost much of his wealth, but in 1735 he had a mausoleum, designed by Gibbs in a European Baroque manner, attached to the East end of the church. Burials here include the 1st Duk… See more

    The organ and the Handel connection

    Handel was employed by Brydges in 1717/18 as his composer-in-residence. This resulted in a number of works including the Chandos Anthems (settings of texts from the psalms for use in the Anglican liturgy). The churc… See more

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