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Compares a string expression to a pattern in an SQL expression.
SyntaxRemarksexpressionLike “pattern”
The Like operator syntax has these parts:
SQL expression used in a WHERE clause .
String or character string literal against which expression is compared.
You can use the Like operator to find values in a field that match the pattern you specify. For pattern, you can specify the complete value (for example,
Like “Smith”), or you can use wildcard characters to find a range of values (for example,Like “Sm*”).In an expression, you can use the Like operator to compare a field value to a string expression. For example, if you enter
Like “C*”in an SQL query, the query returns all field values beginning with the letter C. In a parameter query, you can prompt the user for a pattern to search for.The following example returns data that begins with the letter P followed by any letter between A and F and three digits:
Like “P[A-F]###”The following table shows how you can use Like to test expressions for different patterns.
Kind of match
(returns True)No match
(returns False)Multiple characters
aa, aBa, aBBBa
abc, AABB, Xab
aZb, bac
Special character
Multiple characters
abcdefg, abc
cab, aab
Single character
aaa, a3a, aBa
Single digit
a0a, a1a, a2a
aaa, a10a
Range of characters
f, p, j
2, &
Outside a range
9, &, %
b, a
Not a digit
A, a, &, ~
0, 1, 9
An9, az0, a99
abc, aj0
SQL Operators - W3Schools
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W3Schools offers free online tutorials, references and exercises in all the major …
What is a Comparison Oper…
See this page for an overview of other types of operators. The most common …
SQL Comparison Operators - SQL Tutorial
This tutorial introduces you to the SQL comparison operators and shows you how to use them to form conditions for filtering data.
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SQL comparison operators are essential tools for filtering data in SQL queries. They allow you to compare two expressions and determine if they meet specific criteria. Here are the primary SQL comparison operators and their usage:
Equal to Operator (=)
The equal to operator (=) checks if two expressions are equal. It returns true if the left expression is equal to the right expression. For example, to find employees with the last name 'Himuro':
SELECT employee_id, first_name, last_nameFROM employeesWHERE last_name = 'Himuro';Note that the equal operator cannot be used to compare null values. Instead, use the IS NULL operator:
SELECT employee_id, first_name, last_name, phone_numberFROM employeesWHERE phone_number IS NULL;Not Equal to Operator (<>)
The not equal to operator (<>) checks if two expressions are not equal. It returns true if the left expression is not equal to the right expression. For example, to find employees whose department id is not 8:
SQL Comparison Operators - GeeksforGeeks
Jun 6, 2024 · Using Comparison Operators in SQL Example. Let’s look at different comparison operators in SQL, and look at their examples. Equal to (=) Operator: It returns the rows/tuples which have the value of the attribute equal …
SQL Comparison Operators Examples and Sample Code
Jun 9, 2023 · Learn about the different types of SQL comparison operators like =, >, <, and more and how these can be used to narrow down query results.
SQL Comparison operator - w3resource
Apr 20, 2024 · Comparison operators are used in conditions that compares one expression with another. The result of a comparison can be TRUE, FALSE, or UNKNOWN (an operator that …
- Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
Various SQL Comparison Operators Cheatsheet (For …
May 22, 2023 · In this cheatsheet, we will discuss the various comparison operators present in SQL that are most commonly used by data scientists, analysts, SQL developers, etc., where they are required,...
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