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The <span> tag in HTML is an inline container used to mark up a part of a text or document. It is commonly used for styling purposes with CSS or for manipulation with JavaScript1.
<p>My mother has <span class="blue-text">blue</span> eyes.</p>blue-text {color: blue;}Usage
The <span> tag is similar to the <div> element, but while <div> is a block-level element, <span> is an inline element2. This makes it suitable for grouping inline elements for styling or scripting purposes.
Styling with CSS
You can use the class attribute to style specific parts of your content.
<p>This is a <span class="highlight">highlighted</span> text.</p>highlight {background-color: yellow;}Manipulating with JavaScript
You can also use the id attribute to manipulate specific parts of your content with JavaScript.
<p>The text, <span id="uppercase">freeCodeCamp</span>, was turned to uppercase with JavaScript.</p>const uppercase = document.querySelector("#uppercase");uppercase.style.textTransform = "uppercase"; What does the HTML acronym "span" stands for? - Stack Overflow
Aug 30, 2012 · SPAN is an inline element and can be used within paragraphs, list items, etc. when you want assign class or language information to a group of words. SPAN cannot be used to group block-level elements.
HTML: What exactly is <span>'s purpose? Jan 31, 2015 html - When to use <span> instead <p>? Dec 14, 2009 HTML <span> Tag - W3Schools
The <span> tag is an inline container used to mark up a part of a text, or a part of a document. The <span> tag is easily styled by CSS or manipulated with JavaScript using the class or id …
HTML <span> Tag - GeeksforGeeks
: The Content Span element - HTML: HyperText Markup …
Feb 24, 2025 · The <span> HTML element is a generic inline container for phrasing content, which does not inherently represent anything. It can be used to group elements for styling …
Elements/span - HTML Wiki - World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
Dec 14, 2010 · <span> has been introduced to html through the internationalization WG on September 25, 1995 in the second draft html-i18n. The purpose was to create a generic …
HTML Span Tag | Docs With Examples - Hackr
Mar 10, 2025 · The HTML span element is a generic inline container used to apply styles, scripting, or interactivity to text within a webpage without affecting document layout. Courses . …
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HTML span Tag - Tutorial Republic
The <span> tag is generic inline container for phrasing content, which has no default rendering or meaning. The <span> tag is extensively used to define the structural sections of a document and to layout a web page using CSS.
HTML span Tag | CodeToFun
Nov 20, 2024 · Refine your web design with the HTML span tag—a versatile element designed for fine-tuning styling and adding precision to your content. Discover how span lets you apply styles or scripts to specific parts of text, …
HTML: <span> tag - TechOnTheNet
This HTML tutorial explains how to use the HTML element called the span tag with syntax and examples. The HTML span tag defines a generic inline container in an HTML document (also …
The SPAN Tag in HTML → 【 How to Use in HTML5
What is the <span> tag in HTML? The HTML tag <span> is a text formatting tag used to apply custom styles to a snippet of text within a line of text or a text …
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HTML <span> Tag - W3docs
The HTML <span> tag is used to define a small piece of content or text within a larger document that needs to be styled differently than the surrounding text. It is an inline element that can be …
Spans in HTML: Understanding Inline Elements
Discover the role of spans in HTML as inline elements used for styling and functionality. Learn how to effectively group and manipulate text with practical examples and best practices. Dive …
HTML <span> tag explained - OpenGenus IQ
Span tag in HTML is an inline element which can be used to apply special styling (using CSS) or behaviour (using JavaScript) to a specific component in a div, p and other tags.
HTML <span> Tag
The HTML <span> tag is a generic container for inline elements and content. This allows you to apply styles and other attributes to the content within the <span> element. The element itself …
What Is Span in HTML? - Medium
Sep 1, 2023 · In this guide, we’ll introduce you to the span element in HTML. We’ll show you how they’re written, what they’re meant for (and what they’re not), and give some examples of …
HTML span Tag - tutorials.freshersnow.com
span is very similar to the div tag, but div is a block-level tag and span is an inline tag. Syntax: <span> Text</span> Browser compatibility. The HTML<span> tag is supported by different …
HTML Tag: span | HTML Dog
A generic container for a text or inline HTML. Lending no additional meaning, it is typically used as scaffolding to hang CSS on or for JavaScript to reach out to. As span doesn’t add any …
A comprehensive large-scale biomedical knowledge graph for AI …
3 days ago · This study presents iKraph, a large-scale biomedical knowledge graph built using an award-winning natural language processing pipeline with expert-level accuracy. Using …
Taxpayer funding of media ‘a very bad idea’: C-SPAN founder
9 hours ago · The founder of America’s leading public affairs media network has issued a warning about government funding of news outlets: Don’t do it. Brian Lamb, who led the startup of C …
html - Semantic value of span - Stack Overflow
Span can be used to add semantic meaning that falls outside the scope of HTML. This can be done by using classes which identify certain attributes.
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