spa party games for kids - Search
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  1. Spa Party Games

    • Have everyone take a small note card and write one lie and two true statements about themselves. They should not put their names on the cards. The host collects the cards and deposits them into a box o… See more

    Simple, Exciting Ideas For Spa Party Games Belly Laughs

    All guests lie on the floor, but each person's head must rest upon the stomach of another person. If participants are arranged in a zigzag pattern, quite a few people can fit on the flo… See more
    Simple, Exciting Ideas For Spa Party Games The Anonymous Massage

    The cool, fun contest called "anonymous massage" goes like this: One person is blindfolded while sitting in a folding chair. Each guest gives the sitter a 15-second shoulder a… See more
    Simple, Exciting Ideas For Spa Party Games Silly Staredown

    Guests are paired up and must stand with their noses about two inches apart. They can't talk, but just look at each other until one laughs. However, each is allowed to make funn… See more
    Simple, Exciting Ideas For Spa Party Games Reverse Spelling Bee

    The night before the event, the host looks up some of the longest, oddest words in the English language. It helps to do an Internet search for "words that are difficult to spell." In standar… See more
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