soft tissue mass left foot - Search
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  1. Soft Tissue Masses: Evaluation and Treatment | AAFP

    • Soft tissue masses are a common presentation in family physician offices. Although most lesions, including lipomas, fibromas, and epidermal and ganglion cysts, are benign, rare lesions such as soft tissu… See more

    History and Physical Examination

    Malignant masses may grow over weeks to years depending on the aggressiveness of the … See more

    Imaging Studies

    ULTRASONOGRAPHY A detailed ultrasound examination of soft tissue masses often uses a high-resolution (9 to 17 MHz) linear transducer. Ultrasonography can assist i… See more


    If there is a concern for malignancy, biopsy should be performed by the orthopedic oncologist who would manage the potential diagnosis and possible seeding of the biopsy site.… See more

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