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- The exercises on this page will help you practise expressing purpose with the use of “to”, “in order to”, “so as to” and “so that”. We recommend to study the explanation before doing the exercises.lingbase.com/en/english/grammar/to-so-that/exercises
So That / In Order To Exercise - GrammarBank
So that vs In order to exercise with answers - Complete the sentences with the correct conjunction.
Other content from grammarbank.comSo...That / Such...That Exercise - GrammarBank
Complete the sentences with so or such. As... As / Such...That. 1. Jessica is a brilliant woman that everyone admires her. 2. He made an unforgivable mistake that it caused him his marriage. 3. She is shy that she would only talk to her …
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So & So That Quiz - 11 Online Quiz Questions - UsingEnglish.com
Test yourself with our free English language exercise about 'So & So That'. This is a free intermediate English grammar quiz and interractive grammar exercises. No sign-up required.
So and so that - Home of English Grammar
Nov 26, 2016 · Sometimes we drop out ‘that’. This grammar exercise tests your ability to use so and so that correctly. Fill in the blanks. 1. It was getting late, ………………… we decided to go …
- Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
English Grammar Exercises – To …, for … and so that
Complete these sentences using to + a suitable verb. 1 The president has a team of bodyguards ……………………. him. 2 I didn’t have enough time ……………………. the newspaper today. …
So That Exercise - Home of English Grammar
Jun 5, 2024 · Answers. I hurried so that I wouldn’t miss the train. We started early so that we wouldn’t get stuck in the traffic. I talked to her so that she wouldn’t feel left out. She is learning …
To / in order to / so as to / so that - to learn English
To / in order to / so as to / so that. To, in order to, so as to, so that. These structures express purpose and answer the question why something is done. To We use 'to + verb' to say why we …
So that - Home of English Grammar
Apr 11, 2015 · This grammar exercise tests your ability to use the conjunction so that. Answers are given at the end of this page. So that is a
To, in order, so as, so that exercises online - Lingbase
“So that” requires a subject and a verb after it. For example, Give me a key so that I can open this door. The exercises on this page will help you practise expressing purpose with the use of “to”, …
So That / In Order To Exercise 2 - GrammarBank
Choose so that or in order to to complete the sentences. 1. I have opened the window let some fresh air in. 2. I stopped at a rest area I could have some rest. 3. I bought a lovely suit wear at the graduation ball. 4. You need to take some …
John is so tall that he has to bend down going through doors. Fill in the blanks with so or that, or *leave it blank (if neither one fits the sentence) to make a correct sentence as in the examples:
So vs So That English Grammar Exercises - StudiesToday
Read and download free pdf of So vs So That English Grammar Exercises. Students and teachers of English can get free printable Worksheets for English So vs So That in PDF format prepared …
So that vs. So - Grammar-Quizzes
Contrast using 'so that' (purpose) with 'so' (result); review 'so' expressions; practice contextual use and punctuation.
So & So That ESL Worksheet - UsingEnglish.com
To access this worksheet as an online activity, view our 'So & So That' exercise. Instructions: Choose the correct answer. Q1 - It was late ____ I went home. Either could be used here. Q2 - …
ESL Worksheet: So & So That Choose the correct answer. Q1 - It was late ____ I went home. € so € so that € Either could be used here. Q2 - It was very expensive ____ I didn't buy it. € so € …
For, To, and So That | Grammar Exercise - Home of English …
May 25, 2017 · So and so that can be used before a clause to express purpose. To express a person’s purpose, we often use to-infinitive. Complete the following sentences using an …
So... That... & Such... That... + Exercises With Suggested …
That... + Exercises With Suggested Answers. The document provides examples of sentences using the "...so...that..." and "...such...that..." patterns to show cause and effect relationships. It …
To, in order, so that – Exercise 387 - Lingbase
To, in order, so as, so that — use and examples – online exercise with answers #387. Use the "Reference" button to view the short summarised explanation.
So vs. So That - Home of English Grammar
Feb 2, 2023 · We started early so / so that we wouldn’t get stuck in traffic. He ran fast so / so that he could catch up with him. She left office at 5, so she should be here soon.
To, in order, so that – Exercise 388 - Lingbase
To, in order, so as, so that — use and examples – online exercise with answers #388. Use the "Reference" button to view the short summarised explanation.
Enough, So, Too – Grammar Exercise for Beginners
Feb 19, 2025 · Answers. 1. These bananas are not ripe enough to be eaten. 2. They are rich enough to buy anything. 3. The coat was too expensive for me to buy. 4. She is so beautiful. 5. …
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