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PHY's MIDWATER/Mesopelagic - Whitman College
Jun 4, 1998 · Most have a line of ventral (belly) light organs (photophores) for counterillumination (light is emitted that matches the faint blue sunlight from above, making the body hard to see from below). Some have a photophore on …
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Slender snipe eel | Animals | Monterey Bay Aquarium
Nemichthys scolopaceus, 820.5 mm TL, captured …
New records of occurrence of two snipe eels (Avocettina bowersii and Nemichthys scolopaceus), poorly known for the Pacific coast of Costa Rica and Panama are herein reported.
Bioluminescence - Deep Sea Creatures on Sea and Sky
Learn how deep sea creatures use photophores to produce light for various purposes. Snipe eels are among the fish that can produce red light and see it wit…
The hatchetfish has photophores on the bottom side. The light helps hide its outline. Other fish swimming below the hatchetfish see the light and not the hatchetfish's silhouette. This kind of …
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Nemichthys scolopaceus, Slender snipe eel - FishBase
Dark brown or grey in color, often darker below (Ref. 3248); anal fin and tips of pectoral fins almost black (Ref. 6885). Occur in midwater, usually below 400 m and occasionally in shallow …
Some have photophores, pockets of bioluminescent bacteria, that they may use as fishing lures to attract prey close to their hungry mouths. Photophores may also function as identification tags …
Snipe Eels, Family Nemichthyidae - The Australian …
The Snipe Eels can be recognised by their extremely elongate bodies and long, thin, outward curving jaws. Size range. The Slender Snipe Eel, Nemichthys scolopaceus, grows up to 1.22 m in length. Habitat. Snipe Eels occur in the …
Snipe eel Nemichthys scolopaceus Richardson 1848
The snipe eel is easily recognizable by its extremely slender body (the fish may be 75 times as long as deep), with its tail tapering to a thread, and by its elongate, slender, bill-like jaws, one …
Creature Feature: Snipe eel - Twilight Zone
Various species of snipe eels have been caught—either alone or in the bellies of other fish—in waters as deep as 4,500 meters (14,800 feet). They’re most commonly found between 300 to 600 meters, or about 1,000 to 2,000 feet.
Snipe Eel: Discover the Deep-Sea Wonder's Secrets
Snipe Eels, primarily belonging to the family Nemichthyidae, are slender, elongated eels characterized by their slender bodies and long, beak-like jaws. These creatures might be …
Visual acuity in pelagic fishes and mollusks - ScienceDirect
Nov 1, 2013 · The discrete bioluminescence-emitting photophores are usually unevenly spaced on the ventral side of the camouflaged animal and could potentially be detected by viewers that …
(Ariosoma megalops) - Marine Life Identification
Ariosoma megalops, commonly known as the Slender Snipe Eel, is a fascinating species that occupies a unique niche within the marine ecosystem. With its elongated body and remarkable …
Slender snipe eel (Nemichthys scolopaceus) - MarLIN
Nemichthys scolopaceus can be recognised by its more or less pigmented dark brown body and its numerous fine teeth. The anal fin and tips of the pectoral fins are almost black in colour. …
Snipe Eel - Deep Sea Creatures on Sea and Sky - seasky.org
The snipe eel, known to science as Nemichthys scolopaceus, is a rather peculiar looking fish. It has a long body, up to four feet in length, and resembles a long piece of ribbon or string with a …
Cyema atrum | EBSCO Research Starters
Cyema atrum, commonly known as the deepwater snipe eel, is a slender fish that inhabits the depths of tropical and subtropical oceans, typically found between 1,080 and 16,730 feet (330 …
Slender snipe eel - Wikipedia
The slender snipe eel (Nemichthys scolopaceus), also known as the deep sea duck, is a fish that can weigh only a few ounces, yet reach 5 feet or 1.5 m in length. Features include a bird-like …
Nemichthyidae - Snipe Eels | Wildlife Journal Junior - New …
Snipe eels are found in ocean waters around the world. They are usually found at depths of 1,000-2,000 feet. Snipe eels are slender and around 3-5 feet in length. Their most unusual feature is …
snipe eels - Encyclopedia of Life
Nemichthyidae (Snipe Eels) is a family of ray-finned fishes. They are carnivores. They have sexual reproduction. They rely on anguilliform to move around.
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