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What do deer do at night? - Whitetail Advisor
At night, deer are more likely to eat, sleep, drink, and socialize in areas that are outside of their most secure and safe hiding places, commonly referred to as a deer’s bedroom. The frequency, timing, and duration of deer activities are …
How do you stop a buck from being nocturnal? – …
Whether you own hunting property or not, there are several things we can do as deer hunters to create better odds of see bucks during daylight hours. Deer are nocturnal animals so we technically we can’t stop them from moving at night.
Why do male deer fight each other? – Whitetail Advisor
Deer move at all times of the day and night and will fight each other regardless of what time it is. If human pressure is high in an area, it’s more likely that bucks will fight during the night than they will during the daytime in that specific area.
Are deer more active at night - Whitetail Advisor
Deer are more active during darkness and will travel longer distances at night. On the flip side, they are least active during the middle of the day (10am – 2pm). However, the hours surrounding dawn and dusk are the most active parts of …
Are deer nocturnal - Whitetail Advisor
Deer move at all times of day and night. Universities and state agencies have proven this over and over again through GPS radio collar research. See when deer are most active and what time of day you should hunt.
Deer Behavior - Whitetail Advisor
What do deer do at night? If you want to understand what deer do at night, then you have come to the right place. I have been hunting and learning about deer since my college years in the late …
Do deer return to the same area? – Whitetail Advisor
If you want to keep deer returning to your area then offer them the feeling of security, bedding opportunities with thermal cover, quality food, water, and breeding opportunities. The quickest way to keep deer from returning to the …
Where do whitetails spend most of their time – …
Deer move at all times throughout the night but the frequency of those movements will increase at the times surrounding dawn and dusk. The majority of deer will move toward feeding areas, such as crop fields or food plots, during …
Should You Shower Before Going Deer Hunting?
If a shower is available, deer hunters should wash their entire body with scent-free soap prior to going deer hunting. This won’t prevent deer from smelling human odor if they cross it’s scent stream, but it will make it easier for hunters …
The Best Time to Deer Hunt (Fully Explained)
However, there are different periods of time throughout deer season that offer better hunting opportunities than others. Learning how to identify these periods of time for specific hunting locations will help hunters take advantage of the best …
What makes a good deer bedding area? – Whitetail …
The temperatures are getting colder as the rut approaches, and deer are seeking refuge in bedding areas where they can regulate their body temperatures. A good bedding area will offer thermal cover to make it easier for deer to regulate their …
Should you hunt mornings late season – Whitetail Advisor
I wrote an article called “ Are deer more active at night ”. In that article I explain when deer move throughout the day, when the best time to go hunting is, and if deer are more active in the …
How smart are deer – Whitetail Advisor
Deer are extremely smart when it comes to their ability to survive and detect danger. Their heightened sense of smell and their ability to detect sudden movements have made them …
Where do you put deer bedding areas? – Whitetail Advisor
Bedding areas should be in a place where deer feel comfortable walking around during daylight hours. Every property is unique. Therefore, bedding area locations should be strategically …
How to tell if a big buck is in your area? – Whitetail Advisor
All deer will gravitate to destination food sources during evening hours or at night. Buck beds could be right next to food sources or several miles away. Where a big buck beds is very …
Do deer know when they are being hunted – Whitetail Advisor
An easy way to confirm if deer are avoiding an area because of hunting pressure is by tracking the frequency of deer movements with a trail camera. Use a trail camera to monitor deer …
Public vs. Private Land for Deer Hunting: Which is Best?
Hunting pressure makes it harder to kill deer, especially big mature bucks. Deer can learn that it’s safer for them to walk through high pressure areas at night. Movement patterns of deer can be …
Is 10 ft high enough for a deer stand? - Whitetail Advisor
Yes, 10 feet is high enough for a deer stand. However, the ideal height of a deer stand depends on the specific conditions of the stand site. The most important considerations to keep in mind …
Do deer bed in corn? – Whitetail Advisor
Yes, deer bed in standing cornfields. Safety and food are priorities for every deer and cornfields offer both. Hunters kill bedded deer in the corn every year and farmers have been known to …
This is where deer go to die - Whitetail Advisor
Deer die from a variety of causes and they don’t all go to the same sort of place to expire. However, deer are commonly found dead in water, or near water, when they experience fever …
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