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The Period - University of Puget Sound
Periods are labeled as “parallel” or “contrasting” based on the melodic material. In a parallel period, the melodies in both phrases begin similarly. In a contrasting period, the phrases begin differently.
Summary of Phrases in Combination - University of Puget Sound
Phrase Groups and Phrase Chains - University of Puget Sound
Phrase - University of Puget Sound
While four- and eight-measure phrases are the most common, you will also encounter phrases that are five, six, and seven measures in length. Less commonly, you will encounter three-measure phrases. Here are examples of …
Practice Exercises - University of Puget Sound
Phrase Groups and Phase Chains - University of …
In phrase groups and phrase chains, the final cadence is a half cadence. A phrase group consists of at least two phrases whose melodies begin similarly and has the final phrase ending in a half cadence.
The Sentence - University of Puget Sound
A sentence in music is a phrase with a specific melodic construction: a melodic idea (motive 1 or subphrase a) is either repeated or sequenced then followed by either related or unrelated material leading to a cadence.
Music Theory for the 21st-Century Classroom - University of …
The Double Period - University of Puget Sound
The Four Structural Functions in Music - University of Puget Sound
Impressionism - University of Puget Sound
Cadences - University of Puget Sound
AABA Form - University of Puget Sound
Creating Contrast Between Sections - University of Puget Sound
Rounded Binary - University of Puget Sound
Species Counterpoint - University of Puget Sound
Rounded Binary - University of Puget Sound
Verse-Chorus Form - University of Puget Sound
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