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plural forms - Difference between "a crowd" and "crowds"
May 31, 2014 · Crowd refers to a large group of people. Its plural crowds refers to large groups of people. For example, There was a crowd in the east yesterday. There were crowds in the east …
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Can the word 'crowd' be used in plural - English …
Sep 9, 2016 · Crowds is plural. You can't use crowd plurally, you have to use crowds if you mean more than one crowd. Verbs work the opposite of nouns, verbs that end in s or es are singular third person and verbs that don't are …
Should I fill with 'crowd' or 'crowds' in this context?
Jan 16, 2018 · Because plural crowds do not require the definite article, whereas singular crowd does require the definite article. Use the when you assume there is just one of something in …
crowd vs. crowding - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Dec 24, 2018 · What is the difference between "crowd" and "crowding"? In the following sentence can we use both of them in place of each other? By building a branch campus, some of the …
meaning - Can the word crowd refer to just 10 people? - English ...
May 16, 2019 · Ten people in a small room is a crowd. Ten people in a large car park is not a crowd. There's an expression "Two's company, three's a crowd", which means if two people …
Can collective nouns be plural? - English Language Learners …
Jun 16, 2019 · Yes, absolutely – sentences like "the two armies met on the field of battle" or "crowds of protesters surged into the street" are quite common.
Collective Nouns and their possessive pronouns
Jul 14, 2020 · "The crowd is waving its arms" would be grammatically correct, though it sounds a little awkward. And saying just "The crowd is waving" would leave it ambiguous what the …
Questions tagged [collective-nouns] - English Language Learners …
Can collective nouns be plural? For example, can I say armies instead of army if I'm talking about different types of armies, or crowds. crowd and army are already plural but can I add an s after ...
grammar - a crowd of people standing around - English …
Jun 1, 2018 · People were standing around in a crowd. Or if you just used the word "crowd" alone you would use "was", as the collective noun is singular: A crowd was standing around.
expressions - cloud one's judgement vs. crowd one's judgement
They let their emotion crowd their judgment. Don't let your personal feelings cloud your judgement. I've seen the both expressions. Do they mean the same? Since Stephie asked, …
Flock, Swarm, Throng, Platoon, Gang: What is the difference?
A "throng" is a dense group or crowd of people. If people are "thronging" to a place, or a place is "thronged" with people, it implies that the place is crowded, that there is little room to move. …
Word for "not crowded"? - English Language Learners Stack …
Do you say “not crowd” or “not crowded”? I know @rosslh tried to “fix” it in your question, but it is important for us to understand what you already know so we can write answers that are useful …
Shouldn't "by the thousands" be "in the thousands"?
Jan 16, 2016 · "Crowds swelled by the thousands" means that the size of the crowd increased by thousands of people. The word by is used to compare the size of the crowd before-versus …
what does 'I would have killed with this crowd' means?
Jan 19, 2021 · It means he would have done something extremely successfully if he knew this particular crowd would be there, around him, or watching him. You can say. That comedian …
Do we use "its" or "their" with a collective noun?
Feb 10, 2015 · It depends on if you are using British English or American English. British English, as far as I understand it, considers a noun-for-a-group-of-individuals to be plural.American …
Should "income" in the following sentences be plural or singular?
Sep 6, 2020 · There is certainly room for disagreement. I think that both are valid, depending on whether you are envisage incomes as plural units or average income in the sense of total. …
"The crowd demonstrated outside the theatre". Is the verb …
The crowd demonstrated outside the theatre. This sentence has no direct object. "outside the theatre" is a prepositional phrase used as an adverb on "demonstrated" telling where. In this …
Is there any other meaning of "go nuts" except angry?
Mar 8, 2017 · If a team scores a goal, the crowd of the winning team will go nuts (they are jumping up and down and celebrating), while the crowd of the losing team will go nuts (they are angry, …
"Disperse" VS "Scatter" VS "Break up" - English Language …
Nov 6, 2021 · "Broke up" is different than the other 2 words. It focuses on the initial splitting up of the crowd, but the other 2 words focus on the spreading out of the crowd.
sentence structure - 'Have never seen' or 'had never seen'
Aug 7, 2017 · "I had never seen a goal like that before" places the entire statement back in 2014 when you saw the goal. "I have never seen a goal like that before" places the entire statement …
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