simple inexpensive italian restaurant - Search
Results near Lauterbourg, Grand Est ·
  1. 5 Cheap Italian Foods | Budget-Friendly Recipes

    • Caprese Salad is the simplest of all cheap Italian meals. It’s fresh, healthy, and requires no cooking, making it the perfect meal for hot days or when you’re in a rush. Ingredients: 1. 1–2 tomatoes 2. 1 mozzarell… See more

    Uova Alla Contadina

    “Farmer’s eggs” is a classic cheap Italian foodthat’s both comforting and easy to make with minimal ingredients. Ingredients: 1. 2 eggs 2. 1 cup of tomato preserve 3. Cheese cu… See more

    Mortadella Head

    Fricantò is a humble vegetarian dish from Le Marche, often made with simple, affordable vegetables. It’s Italy’s answer to ratatouille and one of the most flavorful cheap Italia… See more

    Mortadella Head

    Traditional lasagna can be time-consuming and expensive, but frozen lasagna is a lifesaver for students. It’s a cheap Italian dishthat requires no effort but still delivers comforting, … See more

    Mortadella Head
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