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  1. Sidney Prescott | Scream Wiki | Fandom

    • Sidney Prescott is the original protagonist of the Scream franchise. Throughout the series' single continuity, Sidney's survivability and strength are tested against a variety of Ghostface perpetrators and their acc… See more


    Early Life
    Sidney was born to Maureen and Neil Prescott on Wednesday, March 14, 1979. She was a normal teenage girl who grew up in a small, affluent town, Woodsboro, California w… See more


    •Mark Kincaid - Husband •Three unnamed children - Two daughters (born 2013—2015), and a … See more


    Script Notes
    •She was described as "a young girl of 17... Sharp and clever with deep, lonely eyes" in the Scream script. •She was described as "Two years older has brought a maturity to this beautif… See more

    Survivor Notes

    •Ghostface chased Sidney and failed to kill her 7 times.
    •Sidney has killed six of the twelve Ghostface killers. The three exceptions being Roman, Richie and Charlie.
    •Sidney ha… See more

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