show me the english alphabet - Search
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  1. Script typeAlphabet
    Time periodc. 16th century – present
    Letter names

    The names of the letters are commonly spelled out in compound words and initialisms (e.g., tee-shirt, deejay, emcee, okay, etc.), derived forms (e.g., exed out, effing, to eff and blind, aitchless, etc.), and objects na… See more


    The most common diacritic marks seen in English publications are the acute (é), grave (è), circumflex (â, î, or ô), tilde (ñ), umlaut and diaeresis (ü or ï—the same symbol is used for two different purposes), and cedilla … See more

    Punctuation marks within words

    The apostrophe (ʼ) is not usually considered part of the English alphabet nor used as a diacritic, even in loanwords. But it is used for two important purposes in written English: to mark the "possessive" and to mark … See more


    The letter most commonly used in English is E. The least used letter is Z. The frequencies shown in the table may differ in practice according to the type of text. See more

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