short morning prayers free printable - Search
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  1. 21 Short Morning Prayers to Brighten your Day (with Free Printable)

    • Starting our day with a heart of praise and thanksgiving is the best way to begin our day. Giving thanks to God takes the focus off of ourselves and exalts our God as Lord in our lives. Write down at least five thing… See more

    A Prayer For Wisdom

    We all need to grow in wisdom each day as we encounter people and situations throughout our lives. Solomon in 2 Chronicles 1:10 asked God for wisdom to lead and g… See more

    Garments of Splendor
    A Prayer For Courage

    Before our feet hit the floor in the morning, we can pray andboldly ask God to give us courage to face the day. We have all experienced difficult times in our lives when we felt as i… See more

    Garments of Splendor
    A Prayer For Hope

    Praise God for the hope we have through Jesus! Because of this hope, we can hop out of bed and begin our day knowing that our hope in Christ will anchor and secure our souls. … See more

    Garments of Splendor
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