saved by the bell where are they now - Search
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  1. 'Saved by the Bell' Cast: Where Are They Now?

    • As the breaker of monotony and fourth walls, Mark-Paul Gosselaar served as the perfect Zack Morris. After reprising his role in a long line of Saved by the Bell spinoffs, he was able to depart from the Morris p… See more

    Tiffani Thiessen

    The All-American Girl and Zack Morris' Kryptonite, Tiffani Thiessen had a way of making hordes of boys swoon as reputable cheerleader Kelly Kapowski. That was never mor… See more

    Mario Lopez

    A.C. Slater wasn’t Mario Lopez’s first TV role. Before his breakout job, he appeared in a.k.a. Pablo, the music-heavy Kids Incorporated, and The Golden Girls. After Saved by t… See more

    Elizabeth Berkley

    More surprising than her love life with meathead Slater on Saved by the Bell was Elizabeth Berkley's transformation into showgirl Nomi Malone. Two years after playing fem… See more

    Dustin Diamond

    Every group of friends needs the token nerd, and Dustin Diamond played one of TV's most iconic. When not expressing his unrequited love for Lisa Turtle, Diamond has had a k… See more

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