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How to use retrogress in a sentence - WordHippo
Here are 9 fantastic examples of sentences and phrases with the word "retrogress".
Retrogress: In a Sentence
Examples of Retrogress in a sentence. When Glenn became a millionaire, he swore he would never retrogress to a life of poverty. The people were worried their inept legislators would ruin …
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18 Example Sentences Using 'RETROGRESS' - WordDB.com
See 18 example sentences for the word 'RETROGRESS' such as 'If you do not put in the effort, you will retrogress in your guitar playing skills.' etc
Retrogression Sentence Examples - YourDictionary
Learn how to use "retrogression" in a sentence with 19 example sentences on YourDictionary.
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Use retrogress in a sentence | The best 68 retrogress sentence …
How to use retrogress in a sentence. Example sentences with the word retrogress. The most voted sentence example for retrogress is In spleenful moments, it seems to ...
Example sentences with RETROGRESS | Collins English …
These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content that does not reflect the opinions or policies of Collins, or its parent company HarperCollins. We …
Retrogress in a Sentence | Top ranking 50+ examples with …
Retrogress means to go back or return to a former or less advanced state or condition. If we retrogress in our negotiations, it will be because we were unable to agree on the terms of the …
Retrogression in a Sentence | 50+ contextual examples that …
Retrogression is the process of regressing or moving backward. Retrogression is the act of reverting back to a previous state or condition. The retrogression of society can be seen in the …
Use retrogression in a sentence | The best 28 retrogression …
How to use retrogression in a sentence. Example sentences with the word retrogression. The most voted sentence example for retrogression is This naturalness, though it may ap...
How to use retrogression in a sentence examples
Sentence examples for retrogression with meaning Sentences7. Sentences7. english. Search. English. Examples of 'retrogression' in a sentence Meaning of "retrogression" 'Retrogression' …
Retrogress example sentences - sentenceusingwords.com
1. The country's economy is retrogress ing due to endless political infighting. 2. Relations between the two rival nations have retrogress ed to a state of hostility. 3. Progress on the issue seems …
How To Use Retrogress In a Sentence? Easy Examples
Mar 5, 2024 · Learn To Use Retrogress In A Sentence With These Examples. Can we examine how we can retrogress in our sales figures last quarter? Have you noticed any signs of …
Retrogress in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb...)
Apr 17, 2017 · 11+1 sentence examples: 1. Deviate from socialism and China will inevitably retrogress to semi - feudalism and semi - colonialism . 2. In its absence China would …
Retrogression in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, …
Jul 21, 2017 · 20 sentence examples: 1. There has been a retrogres-sion in the field of human rights since 1975. 2. Persist in progress and oppose retrogression! 3. German people and …
Retrogress Sentence Examples | Use Retrogress in a sentence
1. on progress and Retrogress in the strategic adjustment of state - owned economy distribution. 2. as japan took the route of militarism , its culture began to Retrogress the writers …
Example sentences with RETROGRESSION | Collins English …
There has been a retrogression in the field of human rights since 1975. These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content that does not reflect the …
Retrograde in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb...)
Mar 29, 2017 · 166 sentence examples: 1. Closing the factory would be a retrograde step. 2. The closure of the factory is a retrograde step . 3. He said it would be a retrograde step to remove …
retrogress | English Definition & Examples | Ludwig
Definition and high quality example sentences with “retrogress” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English
RETROGRESS Definition & Meaning - Dictionary.com
See examples of RETROGRESS used in a sentence.
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