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Relaxing or relaxed - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Nov 27, 2022 · If something is "relaxing" then it helps you to relax. That is the only possible meaning of "relaxing atmosphere/environment". However, "relaxed" can have another …
- Reviews: 1
word usage - Are "I am relaxing" and "I am relaxed" the same?
We interpret the present participle "relaxing" as indicating a progressive sense; a process. We interpret the perfect participle "relaxed" as indicating completion, an achieved state. If we …
- Reviews: 4
"relax" or "relaxing"? -- I hope you are having some rest and …
Ways you can use relaxing grammatically: The cat is relaxing. The relaxing cat is over there. The holiday was relaxing.
- Reviews: 1
word usage - I feel like I am already relaxing/relaxed - English ...
Jan 29, 2021 · W: I feel like I am already (relaxing/relaxed) Is "relaxing" or "relaxed" better here? What is the difference between the two expressions (passive voice and active voice)?
What is the difference between "relax" and "rest"?
Jan 17, 2020 · As to me, it sounds more like relaxing is taking your time to do things that amuse you, like watching a movie or listening to music, whereas resting is about recovering the …
word usage - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Jun 10, 2015 · There are many words for relaxing in English, although you have to be careful in formal language because many of them are in the "slang" region.
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makes me + adj and makes me feel + adj - English Language …
Apr 8, 2015 · It's a battle between what 'you feel' and 'what (actually) you are'. If something makes you feel, it could be psychological.On the other hand, if something makes you something, it's …
Is there a word for the "ineffable" feeling when listening to a ...
Aug 25, 2017 · My first thought was the word goosebumps (which often refers to literal goosebumps, but can be used figuratively as well, as in, "That music gives me …
Why hot refers to being closer and cold refers to moving away in …
Nov 27, 2024 · In the game, getting hotter means getting closer to the thing in question, and getting colder means you're moving away from it. If you think of the object as a fire, you would …
meaning - I feel like to eat vs I feel like eating? - English …
May 18, 2015 · This is to confirm the previous answer. We can go further and say that "feel like to..." is wrong and is always considered wrong in English. This is a huge question in English …
"do stretching" vs. "do stretches" which sound better? Are both of ...
Jan 26, 2018 · "do stretching" vs. "do stretches" which sound better? Are both of these grammatically correct?
sentence construction - Backshifting of tenses - English Language ...
Feb 7, 2025 · What know (knew or doesn't know) governs is a fact.This doesn't apply to think or believe; what we think or believe may turn out not to be the case.. In a matrix clause with …
How to use 'as ... as' and 'so ... as' in comparison. - English ...
I have read some articles about the subject on this web pages but I am not sure. Did I understand it correct? not as adjective as - when we compare the same things (the same kinds). E.g.: This …
spelling - Beautiful vs Beautifull - English Language Learners …
Beautiful vs Beautifull. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 5 months ago. Modified 4 years, 2 months ago. Viewed 100k times -3 . I am always confused between beautiful (ends with single L) and …
What is the differnece between "quickly" and "rapidly"?
Aug 23, 2015 · Quickly and rapidly are synonyms - they mean the same thing. They are probably used in such a way in the example so as to not sound repetitive.
Useful vs Helpful - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Aug 12, 2019 · Useful vs Helpful; the difference in meaning between 'useful' and 'helpful' when we talk about non-physical things. Q2&3. When can you say that some advice/knowledge OR …
"longer", "for longer", or "more" - English Language Learners …
I don't think including for would ever affect the meaning. Since continuing to run is a relatively uncommon activity, let's look at.... slept longer than (46,500 hits in Google Books) slept for …
meaning - Difference between "if only" and "only if" - English …
A misread your initial statement. However that usage has nothing to do with the only; it has to do with "if I were" (less traditionally "If I was"). Only is an intensifier here. > If only I were rich....
When to use 'by' instead of 'at' or 'on' to specify time/date?
Jun 17, 2016 · To answer your follow-up question: Use before when you have to leave earlier than 9 am. Use by when you can leave specifically at 9 am or earlier.. Till is the informal version of …
indefinite article - When to use "as" or "as a" - English Language ...
Jul 28, 2020 · The easy part of the answer is that you use a with countable nouns (in this context, at least), and use no article with uncountable nouns.. The tricky part is that a lot of nouns have …
Related searches for relaxful vs relaxing site:ell.stackexchange.com