regular third person singular examples - Search
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  1. Third Person: Explanation and Examples - Grammar Monster

    • With third person singular, the pronouns reflect gender. The table below shows the first, second, and third person pronouns. The third person pronouns are shaded. Here are four good reasons to care abo… See more

    "Third Person" Explained

    Third Person Narrative. A third-person narrative is a story told using the pronouns "he," "she," "it," or "they" or using nouns. In other words, the story is not told from a personal p… See more

    Grammar Monster
    Third Person in Grammar

    First person: "I" and "we"
    Second person: "you"
    Third person: "He/She/It" and "They" See more

    Grammar Monster
    Examples of Third Person Pronouns in Different Cases

    Masculine gender: He, him, his
    Feminine gender: She, her, hers
    Neuter gender: It, its See more

    Grammar Monster
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