realistic pencil drawings of cats - Search
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  1. How to Draw a Realistic Cat – Step-by-Step Tutorial …

    In the lower middle of our canvas, we’re going to draw a big circle, this will be the middle part of our cat’s body so we’ll have to make it according to the size you want your cat to have.


    This will be our cat’s head, the smaller circle is about ⅔ of the first one we drew, we’ll have to place it on top of our first circle making sure the side edges of the circles are in line with each other.

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    This circle will be our cat’s lower part and will be as big as we want our cat’s belly to be. The circle should be slightly moved to the right so our cat’s pose won’t look stiff.

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    For this step, it’s very important that we connect the intersection between our two circles with the right side of our cat’s head (our left) with a curvy line. we’ll have to do the same for the other side of the neck, drawing a short but curve line to connect the middle of our first circle with the head.

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    This shape will be the back leg of our cat (the other one is hidden by the fur) make sure not to make it wider than half of the size of our third circle, and it should align with the base of it.

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