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- The toga praetexta, a toga with a purple border, was typically worn by magistrates, and since quaestors were a type of magistrate, it's possible they wore this type of toga as well. Additionally, they might have had a tunic underneath the toga, and possibly a ring as a symbol of their office.www.unrv.com/government/quaestors.php
Hierarchy of Roman Offices in the Cursus Honorum - ThoughtCo
A Roman male of the upper classes became Quaestor before he could be elected Praetor. He had to be elected Praetor before Consul, but the candidate need not have been either an Aedile or Tribune. See more
The Quaestor candidate had to be at least 28. Two years had to elapse between the end of one office and the beginning of the next step on the cursus honorum. See more
Originally, the magistrates sought the advice of the Senate when and if they wished. Over time, the Senate, which was made up of the magistrates past and present, insisted on … See more
The Senate usually met in the CuriaHostilia, north of the Forum Romanum and facing the street called the Argiletum. [See Forum Map.] At the time of Caesars … See more
Once admitted to the Senate, the magistrate wore a wide purple Stripe on his tunic. This was called the latus clavus. He also wore a special scarlet colored shoe, the calceus … See more
Quaestors | UNRV Roman History
The toga praetexta, a toga with a purple border, was typically worn by magistrates, and since quaestors were a type of magistrate, it's possible they wore this type of toga as well. …
Cursus honorum - Wikipedia
The office of consul was the most prestigious of all of the offices on the cursus honorum, and represented the summit of a successful career. The minimum age was 42. Years were identified by the names of the two consuls elected for a particular year; for instance, M. Messalla et M. Pisone consulibus, "in the consulship of Messalla and Piso", dates an event to 61 BC. Consuls were responsible for the city's political agenda, commanded large-scale armies and controlled i…
Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA license- Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins
罗马人的仕途:聊聊罗马官僚的晋升系统_consul - 搜狐
Dec 10, 2019 · 为了彰显自己曾担任过上述官职,罗马人允许当过官的人身穿一种叫toga praetexta的特殊服饰:那是一种白色的托袈袍,但衣服边上有一条紫色的边,这种装束通常只在16岁(通常来说的)以下的孩童才能穿,成年之后就 …
Cursus honorum - Academic Kids
As a quaestor, an official was allowed to wear the toga praetexta, but were not escorted by lictors or owned imperium. At 36 years of age, former quaestors could stand for election to one of the …
Were quaestors in the Roman Republic entitled to lictors/fasces?
Nov 4, 2015 · Quaestors had neither lictors nor fasces. Originally quaestors, as the name shows, were a kind of "investigators". But the right to fasces signified a right of deciding life and death, …
- People also ask
Cursus Honorum - VROMA
Red text designates "curule magistrates," who had the right to sit on a special ivory folding stool (sella curulis) as a symbol of their office; they also had the right to wear the purple-bordered …
Roman Government
Red text designates “curule magistrates,” who had the right to sit on a special ivory folding stool (sella curulis) as a symbol of their office; they also had the right to wear the purple-bordered toga (toga praetexta).
roman cursus honorum Flashcards - Quizlet
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like cursus honorum, novus homo, in suo anno and more.
Toga praetexta - (Elementary Latin) - Fiveable
The toga praetexta was a distinctive Roman garment characterized by its purple border, worn by freeborn boys, magistrates, and certain priests. This garment not only indicated the social …
Cursus Honorum - Roman Geek
Under the Republic, there were 6-8 Quaestors, the number varied during the Empire. The Praetor held Imperium and had an escort of six Lictor s but only 2 in the Pomerium and wore the Toga …
The 6 Types of Togas Worn in Ancient Rome - ThoughtCo
Jun 26, 2019 · Toga Pura: Any citizen of Rome might wear the toga pura, a toga made of natural, undyed, whitish wool. Toga Praetexta: If a Roman were a magistrate or a freeborn youth, he …
J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge, Select Orations of Cicero, Allen …
All the curule magistrates wore as a mark of authority the toga praetexta (white with a crimson border), and the latus clavus (or broad stripe of crimson) on the front of the tunic. As …
Roman Magistrates Flashcards - Quizlet
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following appropriately describes a toga praetexta?, A special chair used by praetors, consuls, censors, …
Praetexta - Wikipedia
The praetexta or fabula praetexta was a genre of Latin tragedy introduced at Rome by Gnaeus Naevius in the third century BC. It dealt with historical Roman figures, in place of the …
The cursus honorum - legal history - The cursus honorum
As a quaestor, an official was allowed to wear the toga praetexta, but was not escorted by lictors, nor did he possess imperium. At 36 years of age, former quaestors could stand for election to …
The Life of Cicero by Anthony Trollope: Ch. 5: Cicero as Quaestor
As to the first: Cicero was Quaestor in Lilybaeum in the thirty-second year of his life. In the thirty-seventh year he was elected Aedile, and was then called upon by the Sicilians to attack Verres …
QUERY CONCERNING THE TOGA PRAETEXTA Can anyone supply pertinent facts in answer to the question, How did the Romans make the red stripe in the toga? To this question I have …
44 | Dickinson College Commentaries
The waste of Antony’s patrimony and its toxic consequences are key themes in the paragraph, reinforced through lexical repetition: see decoctoribus, decoxisse. ‖ praetextatum stands in …
Caesarquamdedera[t,vestem,tibi,sanctarel]i[q]ui[t] divor[um mut[ua filiusApronimaio[rquamnominefactis] Gaetulasgentesq[uoddeditipsefugae] …