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  1. If E is a finite-dimensional vector space over R or C, for every real number p ≥ 1, the ￿ p-norm is indeed a norm. The proof uses the following facts: If q ≥ 1isgivenby 1 p + 1 q =1, then (1) For all α,β ∈ R,ifα,β ≥ 0, then αβ ≤ αp p + βq q . (∗) (2) For any two vectors u,v ∈ E,wehave ￿n i=1 |u i v
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  2. Proof for infinity matrix norm - Mathematics Stack Exchange

  3. Question & Answer
  4. calculus - Understanding the proof that $L_\infty$ norm is equal to ...

  5. ALAFF The vector \(p\)-norms - University of Texas at Austin

  6. An infinity norm proof -

  7. L-Infinity Norm is Norm - ProofWiki

  8. Is this proof of an ##\infty## norm valid? - Physics Forums

  9. functional analysis - to prove infinity norm is indeed norm ...

  10. Definition:Lp Norm/L-Infinity Norm - ProofWiki

  11. analysis - Infinity norm is actually a norm : triangle inequality ...

  12. L-Infinity Norm is Well-Defined - ProofWiki

  13. L^infty-Norm -- from Wolfram MathWorld

  14. Proof of infinity matrix norm - Mathematics Stack Exchange

  15. Aristotle and Mathematics > The Infinite (Stanford Encyclopedia of ...

  16. Infinity matrix norm example - Mathematics Stack Exchange