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Examples of "Produce" in a Sentence | YourDictionary.com
Learn how to use "produce" in a sentence with 500 example sentences on YourDictionary.
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Produce in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb...)
Jul 25, 2016 · 278+34 sentence examples: 1. These plants produce a number of thin roots. 2. The flavours intermingle to produce a very unusual taste. 3. The barren land could produce little …
Examples of 'produce' in a sentence - Collins Online Dictionary
To hire a car you must produce a passport and a current driving licence. He has produced his own sports magazine. He had four months to produce a film from a script he had already written. …
How to use produce in a sentence - WordHippo
Looking for sentences and phrases with the word produce? Here are some examples. Such an approach will produce a text that may not be easily recognisable or categorisable as this or …
PRODUCE in a Sentence Examples: 21 Ways to Use …
How To Use Produce in Sentences? Produce comes from plants and trees. Farmers produce fruits and vegetables. Machines help to produce clothes. Factories produce toys and games. Animals can produce milk and eggs. …
PRODUCE in a sentence | Sentence examples by ... - Cambridge …
Examples of PRODUCE in a sentence, how to use it. 98 examples: The specialty of the newest robot that is currently being produced is the…
Example sentences with Produce - Power Thesaurus
How to use Produce in a sentence? Review 52 sentence examples with Produce to better understand the usage of Produce in context.
Use produce in a sentence | The best 200 produce sentence …
How to use produce in a sentence. Example sentences with the word produce. The most voted sentence example for produce is By adding the chlorides of stronti...
How to Use "Produce" with Example Sentences - English …
Learn how to use Produce using many example sentences. Learn collocations of Produce with free vocabulary lessons.
produce example sentences - Use produce in a sentence - bab.la
See how to use produce in a sentence. Lot of example sentences with the word produce.
Produce used in a sentence, 18 examples
Produce in a sentence as a noun. Be proud of the work you produce, not the amount of time it took you to produce it. If a higher dosage produces nothing, then this was a false positive." He …
Produce – Explanation, Example Sentences and Conjugation
The verb “produce” is a versatile term used to describe the act of creating, generating, or bringing something into existence. It encompasses a broad range of activities from the production of …
The Word "Produce" in Example Sentences - Page 1
CM 681585 Nuclear energy is produced by splitting atoms or by bringing them together.
"Produce" in a Sentence (with Audio) - Basic English Speaking
Examples of how to use the word “produce” in a sentence. How to connect “produce” with other words to make correct English sentences. produce (v): to make something or bring something …
The 4 Factors of Production: Explained with Examples - Intellspot
Man-Made: Capital is produced by humans, not found in nature. Durable: Capital can be used repeatedly over a long period of time. Depreciates: Capital wears out over time and needs to …
The Word "Produce" in Example Sentences - ManyThings.org
The Word "Produce" in Example Sentences Each page has up to 50 sentences. Sentences with audio are listed first. (Total: 53)
What are Petrochemicals? Definition, Uses, and Examples
Feb 24, 2025 · The pharmaceutical industry relies on petrochemicals to produce life-saving drugs and medical equipment. Common applications include: Medicines – Many active …
Jun 7, 2022 · From 2025, Viridian will reach a production capacity of 25,000 tonnes per year of battery grade lithium hydroxide with expansion phases reaching a capacity of 100,000 tonnes …
Nicolas Lamboley - Animateur Hygiène Sécurité Environnement
One core example is the use of recycled cardboard for athlete bed frames in the Olympic Village. Paper is a renewable resource requiring less energy and emissions to produce than...
- Title: Chargé de Santé Securité …
- Location: Rector Lesage
Claudia Iffrig - General Services Leader - LinkedIn
One core example is the use of recycled cardboard for athlete bed frames in the Olympic Village. Paper is a renewable resource requiring less energy and emissions to produce than …
- Title: General Services Leader at …
Chaima Brahmi - Coordinator & project manager - LinkedIn
- Development of thermoadhesive products produced using melt blown and melt print technologies. - Identification and analysis of raw materials: Selection of inks, varnishes, and …
- Title: Coordinator & project manager …
- Location: protechnic
- Connections: 244
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