prisoner of azkaban director - Search
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  1. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban2004 Film
    OverviewCastWatchTrailers and clipsPlotReviews
  2. Plot

    Harry Potter spends another dissatisfying summer with the Dursleys. On his thirteenth birthday, Vernon's visiting sister Marge viciously insults Harry and his parents, and an angry Harry accidentally causes her to inflate and f… See more


    Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter: A 13-year-old British wizard famous for surviving his parents' murder at the hands of the evil dark wizard Lord Voldemort as an infant, who now enters his third year at Hogwarts School of … See more


    With the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, production of the Harry Potter films switched to an eighteen-month cycle, which producer David Heyman explained was "to give each [film] the time it required." … See more

    Differences from the book

    Prisoner of Azkaban was, at the time of publication, the series' longest book. The increasing plot complexity necessitated a looser adaptation of the book's finer plot lines and back-story. The connection between H… See more

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