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  1. 82 Short and Inspirational Quotes about Strength - G…

    It might be easier said than done, but when you’ve lost something or someone, you need to focus on what you have and make the best of it instead of falling into the trap of self-pity. One neat trick is to find at least one positivethought and focus your energy on it. You may at first feel that it’s too little, but once you keep focusing on that sai...

    Good Morning Quotes

    Like it or not, we all have our struggles. It’s part of life and there’s really not much you can do about it except overcome the hardships. Keep in mind that strong men rise from a fire. You can’t mold a sword without it. The same concept applies to strength. In order to overcome something, you need to go through it. Avoiding and surrendering are n...

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    One of the most common reasons people don’t have the strength to take risks is due to their fearof failure. Don’t let that stop you. We all try and fail at least a couple of times before succeeding. If you search for famous people’s success stories, you’ll often find that they had plenty of other ventures before hitting it big. Failure is part of l...

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    It’s not uncommon to focus so much on a single problem that we fail to see the bigger picture. Don’t fall into that trap. Think about all of the positive things in your life and you’ll probably find out that your worries are much smaller than you thought. But there will be times when we get overwhelmed by our problems. It will seem and feel like it...

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