positive comparative superlative word hard - Search
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  1. 3 Degrees of Hard, Comparative Degree of Hard, Superlative

    • Comparative degree of hard is harder, superlative degree of hard is hardest.Here is the comparative and superlative degree for hard. See more

    Examples Using Positive Degree of Hard

    She is a hardworker and never gives up.
    The exam was hard, but I managed to pass.
    He has a hardtime expressing his emotions.… See more

    Example Using Comparative Degree of Hard

    She studied harderfor the final exam than before.
    This puzzle is harderthan the previous one.
    He works harderthan anyone else in the office.… See more

    Example Using Superlative Degree of Hard

    She is the hardestworker in the company.
    This is the hardesttest I’ve ever taken.
    He trains the hardestout of all the athletes.
    Climbing Mount Everest is the hardestchallenge.… See more

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