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  1. 40+ Other Ways to Say 'For Example' & Liven Up …

    • Two Latin phrase abbreviations ( i.e. and e.g. ) are commonly used as other ways to say "for example" in written documents or presentations. These abbreviations are most common in formal docum… See more

    One Word Alternatives to "For example"

    There are a few single-word alternatives to using the phrase "for example" in writing. These terms are essentially synonyms for "for example." 1. additionally - use to build on what ha… See more

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    Two Word Substitutions For "For example"

    There are quite a few two-word phrases that can be used instead of continually repeating "for example" in your writing. 1. as documented - use to provide evidence (Weather s… See more

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    Longer Phrases to Use Instead of "For example"

    Some of the phrases that can be used in place of "for example" in writing have more words than the original phrase. Even though concise writing is important, it can be a good i… See more

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