oak willow tree fact sheet - Search
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  1. Facts About Willow Oak Trees - Gardening Know How

    • Willow oaks are no relation to willows but they seem to soak up water in a similar fashion. Where do willow oak trees grow? They thrive in floodplains and near streams or marshes, but the trees are rema… See more


    Willow oaks (Quercus phellos) are popular shade trees in parks and along streets. This tree grows fairly quickly and can become too large for some urban settings. The plant tolerates p… See more

    Gardening Know How

    Willow oaks develop nicely symmetrical pyramid to round crown shapes. These attractive … See more

    Gardening Know How
    Distribution and habitat

    Willow oaks are found from New York south to Florida and west to Texas, Oklahoma and Missouri. They occur in flood lands, alluvial plains, moist forest, stream banks and bottom… See more

    Gardening Know How
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