pics of galley style kitchens - Search
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  1. 45 Galley Kitchen Layout Ideas (Photos) - Home Stra…

    Please note: Some of our galley kitchen designs below may on the surface not look like the typical galley kitchen because of the island running down the middle, but the fact that they have counters running parallel down each side makes them a galley with an island. A galley kitchen with brown kitchencounters and cabinetry. The smooth countertops lo...

    Home Stratosphere

    The Galleykitchen is based on the cooking area in ships at sea but interpreted a bit more loosely; it’s a pair of parallel countertops with a path through the middle. Galley kitchens certainly aren’t for everyone, but in some spaces, a galley kitchen can be a sight to behold and a joy to work in.

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    The modern galley kitchen has two countertops and is typically very densely packed, relying on both flat countertop space, hanging tools, overhead cupboards, and under the counter cabinets to make sure that everything comes together nicely. In a galley kitchen that’s well designed, you’ll find that everything is within an arm’s reach, whether it’s ...

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    Many galley kitchens have access to natural light via windows on one of their surfaces, which can brighten up the entire area. Other galley kitchens are closer to their original shipborne counterparts, and only have artificial light to keep them feeling charming. If you only have artificial light for your galley kitchen, make sure that it’s a warm ...

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