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- Attain means to work hard to achieve your goals, while obtain means coming into possession of something. Attaining requires a lot of effort while obtaining does not require effort. The word attainable is the adjective of the attain, while obtainable is the adjective of the obtain.askanydifference.com/difference-between-attain-and-obtain/
Attain vs. Obtain: Meaning & Usage | Merriam-Webster
Attain and obtain can both be used to mean “to acquire,” but attain is often used in the same way as achieve (as in “after years of training, she attained her goal of competing in the Olympics”).
Attain vs Obtain: How to Use Each Correctly - ProWritingAid
See more on prowritingaid.comAttain means reaching or achieving a goal. If you’ve attainedsomething, it was difficult to acquire, or you had to work hard to accomplish it. For example, you might say you’ve attained a mountaintop if you’ve worked hard to climb there, or you’ve attainedgreat artistic skill if you’ve practiced painting for many years. On the othe…- bing.com › videosWatch full video
How to Use Attain vs. obtain Correctly - GRAMMARIST
Attain means (1) to achieve, (2) to accomplish, or (3) to reach the age of. Obtain means to get. There is sometimes common ground between these verbs, …
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Attain vs. Obtain – What’s The Difference?
Sep 28, 2022 · The verb attain most often means “to achieve” (as in She attained her goal) or “to gain through effort” (as in He attained the rank of general). The verb obtain is commonly used as a synonym of get, meaning “to gain …
Attain vs. Obtain: What's the Difference? - Grammarly
While both attain and obtain suggest the act of getting something, their usage reflects different connotations and contexts. Attain typically conveys achieving or reaching a goal, often through effort or skill, and is associated primarily with …
What’s The Difference: Attainable Vs. Obtainable?
Jul 24, 2023 · In short: Obtainable is used when talking about acquiring something you could really get your hands on, while attainable speaks more to reaching a goal or milestone through achievement or hard work—as long as …
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Attain vs. Obtain: What's the Difference? - Writing Explained
To attain something is to reach or achieve a goal. Attain involves work and effort. To obtain something is to take ownership of it and is unrelated to any level of difficulty.
Obtainable vs. Attainable — What’s the Difference?
Oct 30, 2023 · While both mean to get or achieve something, "obtain" implies a straightforward act of acquisition, whereas "attain" implies a journey or progression towards a certain goal. Furthermore, the nuances in their …
Attainable vs. Obtainable: What's the Difference?
Nov 1, 2023 · "Attainable" refers to something achievable with effort or skill, while "obtainable" means something can be acquired or procured.
Obtainable vs Attainable - What's the difference? - WikiDiff
As adjectives the difference between obtainable and attainable is that obtainable is capable of being obtained or procured while attainable is able to be achieved, accomplished or obtained. …
Attain vs. obtain: What’s the difference? – The Word …
Jan 11, 2021 · Attain and obtain are formal verbs with subtle differences. Attain means ‘to achieve’ or ‘to accomplish.’. Obtain means ‘to get, acquire, or be prevalent.’. Compose bold, clear, mistake-free, writing with Grammarly's AI …
Attain vs. Obtain—A Quick Guide - LanguageTool
Attain means to “reach, achieve, or accomplish” through the means of hard work. After months of studying, I finally attained a passing grade on my final exam. Obtain means to “get or acquire …
Attain vs. Obtain: What's the Difference? - BusinessWritingBlog
Jan 26, 2024 · In essence, while “attain” captures the journey toward achievement, “obtain” focuses on the act of getting or possessing. In the realm of education, one “attains” a degree …
‘Attain’ vs ‘Obtain’: What’s the Difference? - Two Minute English
Mar 28, 2024 · Attain: Achieving a personal goal, mastering a skill, or reaching a milestone in life. Obtain: Acquiring a new gadget, receiving a piece of information, or securing a certification. …
Attain vs Obtain: What's the difference and how to use them?
Apr 12, 2023 · Obtain refers to coming into possession of, acquiring, or procuring something physical (a concrete noun). It may take some effort or planning, but there is not such an …
Attainable vs. Obtainable | the difference - CompareWords
What's the difference between attainable and obtainable? (a.) Capable of being attained or reached by efforts of the mind or body; capable of being compassed or accomplished by …
Attain vs Obtain | Definition & Examples - QuillBot
May 25, 2024 · Attain and obtain are verbs that relate to getting something. However, “attain” is more similar to “achieve” and typically refers to intangible things (e.g., “attained her goal”), …
Attain vs. Obtain - What's the Difference? | This vs. That
While both words involve acquiring something, attain emphasizes the process and accomplishment, while obtain emphasizes the act of acquiring itself. When it comes to …
Attain vs Obtain: Difference and Comparison
Sep 23, 2021 · Attain means to achieve a goal or reach a certain level, while Obtain means to acquire or gain possession of something. Attain refers to something that requires effort, while …
Attain vs. Obtain | Meaning, Differences & Examples
Nov 21, 2023 · Here's an easy way to remember the difference between attain and obtain: think ATTAIN=ABSTRACT or INTANGIBLE. Both words start with the letter "A." In addition, attain …
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