male quetzal - Search
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  2. Resplendent quetzal - Wikipedia

    • Males have iridescent green plumes, a red lower breast and belly, black innerwings and a white undertail, whilst females are duller and have a shorter tail. Grey lower breasts, bellies, and bills, along with bronze-green heads are characteristic of females. See more


    The resplendent quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno) is a small bird found in Central America and southern Mexico that lives in tropical forests, particularly montane cloud forests. They are part of the family Trogonidae and … See more


    The resplendent quetzal was first described by Mexican naturalist Pablo de La Llave in 1832. It is one of five species of the genus Pharomachrus, commonly known as quetzals. Quetzal is usually specifically used to ref… See more

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  1. The males are emerald green in color, with a red belly. They also have a yellow bill. The females are less brightly colored, having more brown colors than the males.
    The male Quetzal bird also has a distinctive tuft of golden green feathers that form a crest on top of their heads and immensely long twin tail feathers that can grow up to a meter in length.
    During mating season, male quetzals grow twin tail feathers that form an amazing train up to three feet (one meter) long. Females do not have long trains, but they do share the brilliant blue, green, and red coloring of their mates. Male colors tend to be more vibrant.…
    A quetzal’s body is about 14 inches (36 centimeters) long. The tail feathers can add well over 2 feet (61 centimeters) to the male’s total length. The feathers hang straight down when the bird is at rest. In addition to the tail, the male also has a crest of short feathers on its head to set it apart from the female.
  2. Resplendent Quetzal - American Bird Conservancy

    The Resplendent Quetzal is an unforgettable sight, with shimmering plumage of metallic blues, greens, and reds. Males also have a crest of bristly golden …

    • Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins
    • Quetzal - Wikipedia

      The tails of the male quetzals may take up to three years after reaching maturity to grow to the maximum length. [6] These largely solitary birds feed on fruits, berries, insects and small vertebrates (such as frogs).

    • Resplendent Quetzal - eBird

    • The Resplendent Quetzal: The Most Beautiful Bird in the World

    • Resplendent Quetzal - National Geographic

      During mating season, male quetzals grow twin tail feathers that form an amazing train up to three feet (one meter) long. Females do not have long trains, but they do share the brilliant...

    • ADW: Pharomachrus mocinno: INFORMATION

      The male has a distinct tuft of bristly upstanding golden green feathers on top of his head, forming a crestlike structure. The female quetzal is very similar in color, yet far less conspicuous than males.

    • 10 Fascinating Facts About Quetzals - A-Z Animals

      Aug 21, 2023 · The males of this magnificent bird can be identified by their larger tails compared to the females. No other bird has a tail like a male Quetzal’s; therefore, they are easily distinguishable. And it takes the male three years …

    • National Bird of Guatemala: The Resplendent Quetzal

      Sep 25, 2023 · On top of the above description, the male Resplendent Quetzal has decorative covert feathers on its wings that curve towards its belly. It has large dark eyes adapted for good vision in the dark forest understory and a …

    • Resplendent Quetzal Facts - Photos - Earth's Endangered …

    • Bird of Guatemala: Unveiling the Resplendent …

      Indeed, a male Resplendent Quetzal is a visual feast. Its beauty stems from its vibrant and contrasting colors, brilliant feathers, elegant accessories, balanced shape, and noble bearing. Under subdued lighting, its green upper body, …

    • The snake-bird and its mansion: a tale about the Resplendent …

    • Resplendent Quetzals (Pharomachrus mocinno) - The Firefly Forest

    • Resplendent Quetzals – Where and When In Costa Rica

    • 5 Quetzal Species Flying in Central and South America

    • Quetzal - A-Z Animals

    • Quetzal - Facts and Beyond - Biology Dictionary

    • Discovering the Rare Beauty of the Resplendent Quetzal in …

    • Quetzal

    • Seeing The Resplendent Quetzal Bird In Guatemala - Passport