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- A bailey or ward in a fortification is a leveled courtyard, typically enclosed by a curtain wall. In particular, a medieval type of European castle is known as a motte-and-bailey.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bailey_(castle)
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Bailey (castle) - Wikipedia
A bailey or ward in a fortification is a leveled courtyard, typically enclosed by a curtain wall. In particular, a medieval type of European castle is known as a motte-and-bailey. Castles and fortifications may have more than one bailey, and the enclosure wall building material may have been at first in wood, … See more
Baileys can be arranged in sequence along a hill (as in a spur castle), giving an upper bailey and lower bailey. They can also be nested one … See more
In the Germanic castles of the Holy Roman Empire, there is a distinction between a Vorburg and a Kernburg roughly corresponding to lower and upper baileys in English castles. In German-speaking countries, many castles had double curtain walls … See more
• Château Gaillard in France had an elaborate sequence of outer and inner baileys
• Château de Dourdan, France, with the keep just outside the … See moreWikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license Motte-and-bailey castle - Wikipedia
The motte-and-bailey castle is a particularly western and northern European phenomenon, most numerous in France and Britain, but also seen in Denmark, Germany, Southern Italy and occasionally beyond. European castles first emerged between the Loire river and the Rhine in the 9th and 10th centuries, after the fall of the Carolingian Empire resulted in its territory being divided among in…
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Parts of a Medieval Castle: The Ward or Bailey
Bailey Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of BAILEY is the outer wall of a castle or any of several walls surrounding the keep.
Motte and Bailey Castle - World History Encyclopedia
See more on worldhistory.orgThe earliest form of fortified camp was a simple wooden palisade, perhaps with earthworks, surrounding a camp (ringworks), sometimes with a permanent wooden tower in the centre. These had been common since Romantimes and remained little-changed for centuries. Then, stand-alone wooden towers became a feature …- Published: May 17, 2018
BAILEY | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
BAILEY definition: 1. the open area inside the outer wall of a castle 2. the open area inside the outer wall of a…. Learn more.
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Motte and Bailey Castle: Facts & Information for Kids
A motte and bailey castle often spelt as motte-and-bailey, is old type of castle and one of the first castles to be built in England. The castle is made up of two parts: The motte is a raised mound …
Motte and Bailey Castles - British Castles
Motte and bailey castles were some of the earliest castles designs used throughout the medieval period. Sometimes referred to as mott and bailey castles, these were perhaps the original castle design.
Bailey - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | Vocabulary.com
A bailey is the sturdy wall around a castle that keeps invaders out. The bailey of a medieval castle was usually built of stone. You might see a bailey — or the remains of one — if you tour a …
Medieval Architecture: What Is a Motte-and-Bailey …
A Motte-and-Bailey Castle is a type of medieval fortification that was commonly used throughout Europe, particularly during the early medieval period. The design consists of two main elements: a raised earthwork called the motte and an …
The Medieval Ward Or Bailey - Medieval Chronicles
A castle’s Ward or Bailey is a courtyard enclosed by a curtain wall. They come in different shapes, sizes, and levels of fortification depending on the type of castle. In essence, a medieval ward is one part of the medieval bailey, which is …
Bailey Definition & Meaning - YourDictionary
Bailey definition: A wall or palisade surrounding the structures protected by a medieval fort or castle, especially the outer wall of a castle.
What is a bailey on a castle? – Discovering Employment Paths
Dec 9, 2023 · A bailey, also known as a ward or courtyard, is a vital component of a castle’s defensive structure. It is an enclosed area that is typically located within the outer walls of the …
Motte and Bailey Castles
A motte-and-bailey is a form of castle situated on a raised earthwork and surrounded by a ditch and protective fence. This was the most common form of castle in Europe in the 11th century, …
Types of Castle: Motte and Bailey Castles
A motte-and-bailey is a form of castle situated on a raised earthwork and surrounded by a ditch and protective fence. This was the most common form of castle in Europe in the 11th century, …
The Motte and Bailey Castle – Durham World Heritage Site
Model of a typical motte and bailey castle, showing the artificial mound surmounted by a wooden keep (the motte) and the fenced enclosure surrounded by a ditch (the bailey).
Anatomy of a Castle – The Bailey | A Writer's Perspective
Nov 4, 2018 · A bailey is simply an enclosed space within the walls of a castle. The original castles built by the Normans were ‘motte and bailey’ castles. The motte was a hill, sometimes …
bailey - definition and meaning - Wordnik
May 28, 2010 · bailey: A wall or palisade surrounding the structures protected by a medieval fort or castle, especially the outer wall of a castle.
What was a bailey in medieval times? – MassInitiative
A bailey is the sturdy wall around a castle that keeps invaders out. The bailey of a medieval castle was usually built of stone. The word bailey is used both to describe the defensive wall around …
What are the 4 types of castles? - Geographic Pedia - NCESC
Feb 8, 2025 · Stone castles used durable materials, took longer to build, and offered significantly more protection. 2. What is a small castle called? A motte-and-bailey castle is often …
Bailey - Encyclopedia.com
bailey. 1. External wall or defences surrounding a keep or motte of a medieval castle. 2. Area between the circuits of walls or defences of a castle, also called a ward, or any court within the …
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