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Perseus - Wikipedia
In Greek mythology, Perseus is the legendary founder of the Perseid dynasty. He was, alongside Cadmus and Bellerophon, the greatest Greek hero and slayer of monsters before the days of Heracles. He beheaded the Gorgon Medusa for Polydectes and saved Andromeda from the sea monster Cetus. … See more
The replacement of Bellerophon as the tamer and rider of Pegasus by the more familiar culture hero Perseus was not simply an error of painters and poets of the Renaissance. The transition was a development of Classical times which became the … See more
Perseus has a constellation named after him. The legend says that because he was so brave fighting Cetus for someone else he was given a place in the stars forever. It is located in the east in the winter at about the Latitude 10-N. It is not far from the stars Betelgeuse … See more
• Eurybarus and Alcyoneus
• Menestratus and Cleostratus
• Lugh
• Lully See more• Apollodorus, The Library with an English Translation by Sir James George Frazer, F.B.A., F.R.S. in 2 Volumes, Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd. 1921. ISBN 0-674-99135-4. Online version at the Perseus Digital Library. See more
Wikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license Perseus - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Perseus is a hero in Greek mythology, the son of Zeus and Danaë. He killed the Gorgon Medusa, saved Andromeda from a sea monster, and founded Mycenae.
- Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
Perseus | Story & Facts | Britannica
Jan 7, 2025 · Perseus, in Greek mythology, the slayer of the Gorgon Medusa and the rescuer of Andromeda from a sea monster. Perseus was the son of Zeus and Danae, the daughter of …
Perseus (constellation) - Wikipedia
Perseus is a constellation in the northern sky, named after the Greek mythological hero Perseus. It is one of the 48 ancient constellations listed by the 2nd-century astronomer Ptolemy, and among the 88 modern constellations defined by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). It is located near several other constellations named after ancient Greek legends surrounding Perseus, inclu…
Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA license- Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins
Perses (son of Perseus) - Wikipedia
In Greek mythology, Perses (/ ˈ p ɜːr s i z /; Ancient Greek: Πέρσης) is the son of Andromeda and Perseus, the king of Tiryns. Perses is left in Cossaei and with the Oceanid, fathers …
- Estimated Reading Time: 1 min
Perseus of Macedon - Wikipedia
Perseus was the son of king Philip V of Macedon and a concubine, probably Polycratia of Argos. [5] His father spent most of his reign attempting to maintain Macedonian hegemony over …
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Perseus – Wikipedia
Perseus (grekiska: Περσεύς) är en hjälte i grekisk mytologi. [1] Han var son till guden Zeus och prinsessan Danaë. Enligt Herodotos är Perseus det persiska folkets stamfader. Perseus …
Perseu – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
Perseu ou Perseus (em grego: Περσεύς, transl.: Perséus), na mitologia grega, é um semideus conhecido por ser fundador da mítica cidade-estado de Micenas, meio-irmão de Héracles e …
Perseu - Wikipedia
Când monstrul se apropie de ea, Perseus îi arătă chipul Meduzei și-l împietri pe loc. Andromeda fu salvată, dar Fineus, fostul logodnic al Andromedei, veni în toiul nunții cu o mică oaste și îl …
Perseus – Wikipedia
Perseus (m.kreik. Περσεύς) oli yksi kuuluisimmista kreikkalaisen mytologian sankareista ja legendaarinen mykeneläisen hallitsijasuvun perustaja, jonka seikkailut auttoivat Olympoksen …
Perseus - World History Encyclopedia
Oct 21, 2012 · Perseus is one of the greatest and oldest pan-Hellenic heroes of Greek mythology. Perseus famously killed the dreaded Medusa, a Gorgon with snakes as hair and whose stare turned men to stone. Perseus...
Perseus :: The slayer of Medusa - Greek Mythology
Learn about Perseus, the demigod son of Zeus and Danae, who beheaded the Gorgon Medusa and rescued the princess Andromeda. Discover his adventures, his family, and his legacy in …
Perseus – Wikipedie
Perseus (řecky Περσεύς, Περσέας), syn Dia a Danaé, je bájná postava a jeden z nejznámějších hrdinů řecké mytologie a zakladatel Mykén. Je taky pradědem nejslavnějšího řeckého hrdiny …
Perseus - Mythopedia
Jul 3, 2023 · Perseus, son of Zeus and the Argive princess Danae, was a Greek hero and king connected with the Argolid. Perseus’ numerous exploits included beheading Medusa, saving …
Myth of Perseus and Andromeda - Greek Myths | Greeka
Perseus is one of the greatest heroes of Greek Mythology. He was the son of mighty Zeus and mortal Danae. He is best known as the slayer of the Gorgon Medusa, a fearsome monster, …
Perseus • Facts and Information on the Greek Hero Perseus
• Perseus was one of the oldest of the Greek heroes, predating Heracles (Hercules) by three generations. • Since Zeus was thought to have fathered both Perseus and Heracles, that …
Perseus - Greek Mythology Wiki | Fandom
Perseus (Greek: Περσεύς), the legendary founder of Mycenae and of the Perseid dynasty of Danaans, was the first hero. Perseus beheaded the Gorgon Medusa and saved Andromeda …
Andromeda und Perseus (Zimmermann) – Wikipedia
Andromeda und Perseus ist ein Melodram (Originalbezeichnung: „Schauspiel mit Musik“) in sechs Auftritten von Anton Zimmermann (Musik) mit einem Libretto von Wolfgang von Kempelen …
Perseus: The Argive Hero of Greek Mythology - History Cooperative
Sep 24, 2022 · Perseus was the Argive king and a famous Greek hero. A fellow child of Zeus, Perseus famously beheaded the snake-haired Medusa, fought a sea monster for Andromeda, …
Perseus: One Of The Greatest Greek Heroes and Demigod
May 26, 2024 · Perseus was considered one of the most famous and popular heroes of Greek culture. He was known for his vigorous strength, incredible bravery and for slaying two of the …
Perseus - Wikiwand
In Greek mythology, Perseus is the legendary founder of the Perseid dynasty. He was, alongside Cadmus and Bellerophon, the greatest Greek hero and slayer of mon...
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