Free Printable Boardmaker Icons - Search
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  1. Printable Visuals for Autism Units (Free Tools for SpEd)

    • Find free printable visuals for SpEd classrooms, including schedules, token boards, rules cards, communication systems, and social stories. Some visuals use Boardmaker icons, but not all.… See more

    Printable Visual Schedules For Sped

    You absolutely need a visual schedule in your SpEd classroom (and really any classroom). If you want to read more about setting up a visual schedule and the types of schedule… See more

    Noodle Nook
    Printable Token Boards For Behavior

    If you are working on behavior management, impulse control, or executive functioning, then you should absolutely have token boardsin your classroom. Students re… See more

    Noodle Nook
    Printable Rules Cards For Classroom Management

    You have rules in your classroom… so how do you reinforce and review rules with your students? Start by posting rules and setting up personal rules for students as a way to help mana… See more

    Noodle Nook
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