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  1. Negasonic Teenage Warhead
    Negasonic Teenage WarheadCharacter in Marvel Comics
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  2. Yukio | X-Men Movies Wiki | Fandom

    • Early Life
      When she was five years old, Yukio predicted her own parents' death and they soon died in a car accident. She was orphaned u… See more


    Yukio was a honorable and loyal person to those she deemed her friends such as appointing herself as Logan's … See more

    Powers and Abilities

    1. Death Sense: Yukio is a mutant with a limited, precognitive ability to discern the nature of a person's death. Such visions, when and if they occur at all, have a high degree of a… See more


    1. Ichirō Yashida† - Foster Grandfather and Enemy 2. Shingen Yashida† - Foster Father, Enemy, and Attempted Killer 3. Mariko Yashida- Foster Sister
    Friends… See more


    The name of Yukiois written using the kanji characters for "snow" (雪) and "cord" (緒). The name acquires different meanings when written with different kanji.
    Yukio's vision of Wolverine death's thematicall… See more

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