negasonic teenage warhead comics - Search
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  1. Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Character) - Comic Vine

    • A mutant girl who lived on Genosha, Ellie Phimister was a student in Emma Frost'stelepathy class. Gothic in appearance with pure white skin and long black hair, Phimister appeared to often complain abou… See more


    Ellie Phimister (or Negasonic Teenage Warhead) was created by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely and first appeared in New X-Men issue 115 (2001). She was a gothic-looki… See more

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    Major Story Arcs

    Death in Genosha
    Genosha came under attack from the Sentinels that were controlled by Cassandra Nova. The attack was instant. The island … See more

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    Powers and Abilities

    As a mutant Ellie Phimister had psychic abilities that enabled her to predict the future. Specifically, she has displayed the following abilities: See more

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