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A Look at the Disc Thrower Statue From Greek Art - artincontext.org
Apr 28, 2022 · Learn about the Discobolus, a bronze sculpture of a discus thrower by the Greek artist Myron from the Classical period. Discover the history, description, and copies of this …
- Reviews: 1
- Date of Birth: c. 500-490 BC
- Occupation: ( Head of Content, Editor, Art Writer )
- Date of Death: c. 440 BC
Discobolus - Wikipedia
The Discobolus by Myron ("discus thrower", Greek: Δισκοβόλος, Diskobólos) is an ancient Greek sculpture completed at the start of the Classical period in around 460–450 BC that depicts an ancient Greek athlete throwing a discus. Its Greek original in bronze lost, the work is known through numerous Roman copies, both full-scale ones in marble, which is cheaper than bronze, such as the Palombar…
Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA license- Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins
Discobolus of Myron - On Art and Aesthetics
Apr 12, 2016 · Learn about the history and significance of Discobolus of Myron, a bronze statue of a discus thrower by an Athenian artist in the 5th century BC. Discover how the sculpture became a symbol of athletic perfection, …
Myron - Wikipedia
Myron of Eleutherae (480–440 BC) (Ancient Greek: Μύρων, Myrōn [mý.rɔːn]) was an Athenian sculptor from the mid-5th century BC. Alongside three other Greek sculptors, Polykleitos Pheidias, and Praxiteles, Myron is considered as one of the most important sculptors of classical antiquity. He was born in Eleutherae on the borders of Boeotia and Attica. According to Natural History, a Latin encyc…
Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA license- Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins
The discobolus: an emblematic work of ancient Greek art
May 29, 2023 · The discobolus is a bronze statue of a discus thrower, attributed to Myron, an Athenian sculptor of the 5th century BC. It is a masterpiece of Greek art, which expresses the ideals of beauty, harmony and dynamism of the period.
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The Discobolus - Hidden History
Mar 28, 2017 · The original Discobolus is attributed to the Greek sculptor Myron, a contemporary of Pheidias and Polykleitos and famous in antiquity for his representations of athletes.
Discobolus: Sculpture By Myron | Art 2025 - cultureoeuvre.com
Jan 22, 2025 · One of the most famous statues of antiquity is called "Discobolus". This is the first classical sculpture to depict a person in motion. The author of the bronze composition is …
Myron, Discobolus (Discus Thrower) - Smarthistory
Coiled with athletic energy, balance, and the promise of movement, see the potential of an idealized human body. Myron, Discobolus (Discus Thrower), Roman copy of an ancient Greek bronze from c. 450 B.C.E., Classical Period …
Myron's discóbolo: characteristics, analysis and meaning of …
It is a sculpture with a round shape that represents an athlete just at the time of preparation for the throwing of the discus, one of the athletic competitions handed down from classical antiquity.
"Discobolus": sculpture of Myron. - en.unansea.com
Learn about the famous bronze statue of a disc thrower by Myron, a Greek sculptor from the V century BC. E. Discover the features, history and significance of this masterpiece of ancient art.
14 Astonishing Facts About Discobolus Of Myron
Sep 12, 2023 · The Discobolus of Myron, also known as the Discus Thrower, is one of the most recognizable sculptures from Ancient Greece. Created by the renowned sculptor Myron during the 5th century BC, this masterpiece …
Discobolus by Myron (Ancient Greek Art) - Phdessay
Aug 22, 2016 · Learn about the life and works of Myron, a Greek sculptor who excelled in depicting athletes in action. Discover the Discobolus, his most famous statue, and how it …
Discus-thrower (discobolus) — Google Arts & Culture
This marble statue is one of several copies of a lost bronze original of the fifth century BC which was by the sculptor Myron (flourished about 470-440 BC). The head on this figure has been...
Myron’s Discobolus (Discus Thrower) - gqstimeline.com
The original Discobolus is attributed to the Greek sculptor Myron, a contemporary of Pheidias and Polykleitos and famous in antiquity for his representations of athletes.
Myron of Eleutherae - Figurative Sculptors
Was an Athenian sculptor from the mid-5th century BC.He was born in Eleutherae on the borders of Boeotia and Attica. According to Pliny's Natural History, Ageladas of Argos was his teacher. …
Discobolus by Myron - (Intro to Humanities) - Fiveable
The Discobolus, or 'Discus Thrower', is a famous ancient Greek sculpture created by the sculptor Myron around 450 BCE. This iconic statue represents an athlete in the moment of throwing a …
The Statue of Discoblus: A Masterpiece of Myron - Marblising
Jul 7, 2021 · “Discobolus of Myron,” the most celebrated statues from antiquity. Discobolus is remembered as the personification of strength, equilibrium, and athletic beauty. But who …
Myron - History of Creativity
Myron of Eleutherae (Ancient Greek: , Myrn[m.rn] ), working c. 480440 BC, was an Athenian sculptor from the mid-5th century BC. He was born in Eleutherae on the borders of Boeotia …
Myron’s Discobolus — the tension between artistic idealism
Sep 8, 2023 · Myron’s prominent sculpture probably remains the most easily recognizable representation of sports in art history. It depicts a young male athlete throwing a discus.
Myron - (Intro to Art) - Vocab, Definition, Explanations | Fiveable
Myron's sculptures epitomize the ancient Greek values of physical beauty, athletic prowess, and competition. By depicting athletes engaged in sports, he celebrated not only individual …